
Sharks are one of the most ferocious predators. These predatory beasts are present in almost every ocean with a healthy ecosystem. And since last year, shark attacks have become very common in the United States, with 72% of recorded attacks in 2022, followed by Australia, with 16% of attacks recorded last year.

In the wake of a continuous increase in fatalities due to sharks, a few shark experts and Marine biologists have shared their expertise on how to survive a shark attack. Ryan Johnson, a marine biologist, revealed ways to avoid and survive a shark attack for beachgoers.

Ryan Johnson gives his expertise on surviving a shark attack


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Recently, in an interview with the Daily Star, Marine biologist Ryan Johnson revealed how to survive a shark attack. According to the biologist, if one finds themselves in the presence of a shark, the first thing to remember is to remain calm and not act like prey, since that will result in the worst possible outcome. In the interview, the expert stated, “If you encounter a shark while you’re in the water, the worst thing you can do is act like prey.” Further, the biologist revealed that beachgoers should try not to draw any attention to themselves and avoid splashing water, as it can mark them as a meal for these predatory beasts. Johnson believes a person should hold their ground and let the fish go on its way.

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According to Johnson, if the predatory beast loses its cool, the individual should look into the shark’s eyes and hold a sharp object to aim at its nose, gills, and eyes. Many experts also advise keeping a strong barrier between oneself and sharks. Furthermore, when discussing how to defend yourself from a shark attack, the expert said, “It’s important for everyone who goes into the water to be educated about sharks.” Johnson and other marine professionals also shared some insights on how to avoid encountering sharks.


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How to avoid a shark attack

According to the experts, before deciding to enjoy the water, one should do a quick check of the water. If a person finds small fish attempting to escape and jumping out, a shark may be lurking nearby. Richard Pierce, the former head of Shark Trust and Shark Conservation UK, advises that after entering the water, beachgoers should avoid swimming near Sharks’ most common haunts, including fishing spots, sandbars, and deep into the ocean, where channels are present. Furthermore, while talking about the timing of the swimming, Peirce revealed that these predatory fish during early morning and late night possess less recognition abilities, so one can easily be mistaken for a meal by sharks during this time.

Also read:“Grabbed My Foot”: Hours After Gnarly Shark Attack, 15-Year-Old Surfer Shares Horrifying Details


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In recent years, Sharks have gained a reputation for being one of the most dangerous predatory fish in the ocean. Hopefully, these tips will help beachgoers be more aware of sharks lurking in the water and protect themselves against a potential life threat.

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