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The surfing community was left in shock after the unfortunate passing of a surfing legend. Delbert Melton died on March 15, 2023. The surfer was an icon in the Outer Banks area. Surfing was not the first sport that Melton picked up. Initially, he started his career in sports by playing football. He played college football at Chowan University from 1971 to 1973. He even started at North Carolina State University. However, football was not meant to be his forte.

An injury ended Delbert Melton’s football career pretty soon. After that, he moved to the Outer Banks and quickly adapted to the culture there, and started leading a simpler life. Melton quickly became an Outer Banks legend, as he always encouraged his fellow surfers, and coached the “groms.” When the news of his demise circulated, many well-wishers came to celebrate the loving memory of this beloved surf figure.


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Community pays tribute to the surfing legend Delbert Melton

Eastern Surf Magazine posted a photo of the surfing luminary on their Facebook account, and fans and the Outer Banks community sent their love.

Someone commented, “Always cool to me back when I was a grom. He’d give me a ride back to the cape sandbox motel from lighthouse. Rest in paradise Bruddah!”.

Another fan remembered their encounter with the legend, saying, “Very sorry to hear this. Surfed with him many times on the banks. I even met people in Costa Rica that knew him. Rest in Peace.”

Clearly, Melton was a staple in the Outer Banks.

Another person told the emotional tale of how Melton helped them out once, and said, “Met Delbert in the mid 70’s, while surfing the ‘”Pit’ early one morning, in overhead glassy surf. He checked me out on a couple of waves and gave me two thumbs up, and said you can stay. I told him “I came here to surf. The rest is history. He warned me about the Surf Nazi’s. A group of locals who would do whatever to run you off. Never had a problem. Ride the Eternal Wave, Brother. You will be greatly missed.”

Read more: “Have a Little Dribble Come Out”: Surfing Sensation Reveals His Embarrassing Childhood Habit

The love and affection that people showered on Delbert Melton is proof of the fact that he was a stalwart who will be greatly missed by everyone.

An ardent admirer of Melton commented, “Every person who ever met him has a great story to tell.” Another fan wrote, “Rip 🌹🙏♥️ Surf that silver cloud ☁️ in the sky.”

Not only the fans and the community, but his friends and family also came forward to remember Melton.


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Friends recall emotional moments with Melton

Theresa Christian, a good friend of Delbert Melton, said, “Delbert truly was an all-inclusive person. He didn’t care who you were. If you were somebody that wanted to learn how to ride a wave, he was going to teach you with whatever resources he had.” He taught many children in the area how to surf and how to find their sea legs.


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Brad Kleman, now 44 and an ex-student of Melton, recalled, “The first real wave I ever rode as a kid was with him. I took off and for the first time went down the line. It was so exciting. Then I realized I dropped in on Delbert. My excitement instantly turned to fear. Then he screamed, ‘Yeah boy! Now you’re surfing!”


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No doubt, Delbert Melton was a force to be reckoned with. And after his demise, the Outer Banks surfing scene has lost a true gem.