
Kelly Slater is a man who does not shy away from speaking his mind. Whether it be dietary habits or the current state of our environment, Slater is not afraid to put out the cold harsh truth to the world. The 11-time world champion is an avid environmentalist and has time and again shown deep worry for the deterioration that nature is facing at the hands of humans.

Kelly Slater continues to use his platform to crusade for the betterment of Mother Earth, especially the oceans and wildlife. Plastic has turned out to be the bane of our times, as it continues to pollute each and every aspect of the environment. Plastic pollution is something that Slater has openly condemned, and he recently did so again.

Kelly Slater worried at the terrifying sight of human waste


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Slater took to his Instagram stories to share a horrific sight. He shared a reel, and with it, he wrote, “A totally insane amount of garbage. We need to collectively figure this puzzle out.” It was clear that Kelly Slater was completely miserable after watching that video. The video, which was a reel posted by the account with the name Avani Eco, showed a lot of plastic garbage in an irrigation canal.

The video was shot in Indonesia, and truckloads of plastic waste could be seen being transported. In the caption of the video, it was written, “One-kilometer-long piles of garbage fill irrigation canals for rice fields in Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi. The volume of waste is estimated at 30 trucks.” According to Avani Eco, this is a common occurrence in the area. Trucks of garbage are emptied into the water canals for easy transportation.

Read more: “Killing Anything in Hopes of a Solution Is Not…”: Environmentalist Surfer Kelly Slater Once Went Back on His Stance Due to Newfound Info

However, this garbage, largely containing plastic, blocks the canals and hence water for irrigation is not able to reach the paddy fields. The heaps of garbage are also responsible for polluting the rice fields, thus being a constant menace in this village. This is not the first time that Slater has spoken out about the severe environmental conditions in Indonesia.

Slater has time and again warned of heavy pollution in Indonesia


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In an interview with Tracks. magazine, Slater described how he felt about the growing concern about pollution in the once beautiful Bali. Kelly Slater revealed that he adored the 70s Bali. However, the increased footfall and commercialization have led to an increase in garbage and trash that has polluted the ocean. He said, “the amount of garbage and trash there its horrific for all of us to see.”

According to Slater, if something is not done about pollution in Indonesia soon, the problem is going to become too big for anyone to handle. The pearly ocean waters will vanish and all that will remain is human waste clouding the clear waters. Kelly Slater has not only used his words, but he has also acted in furtherance of his ideals. His business deals are sustainability-conscious, and so is his clothing line.


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Slater has also collaborated with many non-profit initiatives and charities to ensure his message, and theirs is spread across the globe. Are you ready to help this surfing legend clear up our precious oceans?