
Being a surfer for the better part of his life, Kelly Slater is well aware of the dangers of pursuing the sport. Fortunately, despite sustaining some injuries along the way, Slater has managed to avoid life-threatening situations and gruesome injuries. But the star never fails to appreciate those who have braved such circumstances in life. Recently, the surfing champion came across the story of a shark attack survivor. Despite having over two decades of surfing experience on the same coast, a misjudgment had cost the surfer, Mike Morita, a portion of his leg.

Mike Morita later appeared in an interview with Good Morning America, to share his story with the world. He narrated the attack and how his brave friends and his faith saved him. Kelly Slater was among the millions who heard his story. Amazed by the bravery, Slater took to his Instagram to praise the survivor and his saviors too.

Kelly Slater praises the brave hearts


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Earlier today, Kelly Slater shared a story on his Instagram. The story featured the interview of the shark attack survivor, Mike Morita. Sitting on his hospital bed in the video, the 58-year-old narrated how he ended up in that situation. The surfer was recently attacked by an 8-foot tiger shark in Oahu, Hawaii. After putting up a tough fight, Morita was rescued by his brave friends.

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Slater was relieved to see Morita in good health after hearing his spine-chilling story. Acknowledging his saviors, Kelly Slater wrote“Life changing event for sure but good to see Mike Morita in good spirits with the help of some solid friends who helped him out when he was attacked by a shark a couple days ago. 💪🏼🤙🏼”

Read More: “A Dream Come True”: Son of a Lifeguard Shows How You Can Surf at Kelly Slater’s Wave Pool

Mike Morita has allegedly been surfing in Oahu for over 20 years. So what went wrong for the experienced surfer to end up in a life-threatening situation?

What happened that day with Mike Morita?


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On April 9, Morita was surfing near the Kewalo Basin in Oahu. Morita had missed the signs put up by lifeguards, warning people to steer clear of the waters until April 10 while alerting them of the presence of sharks. As Morita was busy catching waves, something caught onto his ride leg. Initially, the 58-year-old ignored it, assuming it was a seal that had latched on. But after feeling the pressure and strength of his attacker, Morita noticed it was a tiger shark.

Keeping his calm, he started praying to God to help him get rid of the animal. Instead of panicking, Morita fought back with all his might. He narrated, “There was a point when the tail came by me, and because the punching didn’t work, I kind of under-hooked the shark’s body with my leg and my arm. At that time, when I hit the gills, the shark let go.” Soon after seeing Morita fighting for his life, his friends paddled toward him to rescue him. Touched by their bravery, Morita says, “They’re my heroes.”


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While his life was saved, Morita lost his right foot in the accident. He is now waiting for surgery to save what’s left of his right leg. Morita’s story not only inspired Slater but reinstated the faith in the age-old saying- ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’