
Nina Dobrev is most popular for her role as Elena Gilbert in the teenage drama Vampire Diaries. The show first aired in 2009 and then was renewed for 8 seasons straight. Currently, the actor is dating 3-time Olympic champion, Shaun White.

The two met during the pandemic and immediately hit it off. Even though they are from completely different professions, they respect and admire each other for all that they have achieved. Both Nina and Shaun love to spend time together and often go away on vacations as well.


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Even when they are on shoot or training, they make it a point to visit each other whenever they can. It was during one of these visit that Shaun White decided to watch the popular show where his girlfriend stared. However, he revealed he has a unique experience watching it.

What was Shaun White’s reaction while watching The Vampire Diaries?

When the world was still opening up post-pandemic, Nina Dobrev flew off to Canada for a shoot. White decided to visit her. However, during this time there were strict quarantine protocols that applied to everyone. Canada also had very strict restrictions during this time and Shaun wasn’t allowed into the country.

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Therefore, he had a lot of free time during his quarantine days and decided to spend the time watching the popular show. He recounted his experience over his TikTok account.

“Yeah I have watched the show, I liked it, it was good,” revealed White. Nina Dobrev, who plays Elena Gilbert is the main actor of the show and the love interest of the Salvatore brothers, played by Paul Weasley and Ian Somerhalder.

“It was cool, but it got a little dark. She was like the love interest of like all the guys on the show and then I found myself rooting for them…I was like, ‘Am I in the way’…”

Shaun White couldn’t see Nina for a period of 3 months, therefore, he found this unique way to stay close to her and that is to watch the show.

Shaun White hints at possible season 9 of Vampire Diaries


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Shaun White is not sure whether or not his reaction to watching Vampire Diaries was healthy. However, he sure did enjoy the show and watched all 8 seasons with dedication. But, in the same video, White revealed that he was eagerly waiting for Season 9 of the show.

“It was really funny and I can’t wait for…what was it…Season 9, right,” revealed the Olympian.


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Fans are overjoyed to know that this might mean that the television show is coming up with yet another season. However, the makers of the show haven’t revealed anything official yet.