Chloe Kim made her debut at the Met Gala on Monday, wearing a beautiful ballgown. The athlete was one of the few handfuls to get an invitation to the fashion event of the year. Earlier this year, Chloe Kim successfully defended her Olympic gold and became a 2-time champion. Dressed as a snow queen for the Met Gala, she wore a dress designed by an Italian designer.
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Chloe Kim looks forward to meeting another Kim
The guests invited to the Met Gala are kept secret from the audience till the very last moment. They get revealed only when they arrive at the event. The 2022 edition of the fashion event was held in New York. Following years old tradition, it was held on the very first Monday of May.
Chloe Kim was one of the very few athletes who received an invitation to the Met. She revealed that she was super excited to be there and, more so, to meet Kim Kardashian. She even said that she had been sending messages to Kim.
“I am actually so excited to meet Kim, I have been dm’ing her a little bit, like ‘I am so excited to meet you,” revealed the 2-time Olympic champion.
“I’ve been a fan of SKIMS for a while, so when they asked me to be a part of their Team USA campaign, I was so excited. It’s two of my favorite things combined!” – @ChloeKim. Shop @SKIMS for @TeamUSA Winter Games 2022 Collection on January 25 at 12PM ET.
— SKIMS (@skims) January 22, 2022
Chloe Kim was part of Kim’s label SKIMS’s campaign, which featured some talented female athletes from the US Olympic team. This was one of the major reasons that Chloe was excited to meet her.
“I was in her SKIMS campaign…so it would be so fun to meet her, I feel like I know her from a distance so…yeah.”
The photos of the Met Gala haven’t been released yet, but we hope that Chloe got to meet the fashion icon and took a picture with her as well!
Did Chloe bring any snacks to the Met Gala?
Chloe Kim is famous for her food choices. Right after she won her first Olympic gold, she tweeted that she was craving churros. Kim likes to eat whatever she feels like, whether it’s fries for breakfast or pizza for dinner. However, this time, she did not carry any snacks to the Met Gala.
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Chloe Kim goes for the gold at the #MetGala. 🏅
(📸: Getty Images)
— Entertainment Tonight (@etnow) May 2, 2022
“I didn’t bring anything, I heard the food’s amazing so I am gonna be eating and enjoying my night.”
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Chloe had a blast at her debut at Met Gala. She added that she received her invitation via her email when she was hanging out with her friends.
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