
The Michigan Wolverines have delivered an astonishing loss to the Iowa Hawkeyes in the 157lbs weight class. While this seemed like a shot at victory for the Hawkeyes, who didn’t have any success throughout the dual, Michigan’s Will Lewan crushed their hopes, defeating Jared Franek.

This was a big matchup for the Iowa Hawkeyes, as the Michigan Wolverines were heavily overpowering them. A social media post broke the news of the bout’s result and declared Lewan as the victor.

Lewan furthers Michigan’s undisputed lead over the Hawkeyes


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Michigan Wrestling added a new tweet to X and broke the news of its freshman’s victory. The tweet carried the caption, “157: Lewan knocks off #2 Franek with:01 riding time in the tiebreaker! Needed to escape in four seconds in the second:30 go, and he did it in three. Clutch in overtime. Michigan 16, Iowa 0” 

The clock had just one second to go before the match would’ve resulted in a draw. However, Franek’s luck ran out before the clock did. While the Iowa wrestler tried to score a point with his offense, the Michigan Wolverines wrestler turned things around and nicked a point with his defense.

While Franek ranked higher in the 157lbs leaderboard, Will Lewan is an All-American senior who has been tested by multiple geniuses. While this victory gave the Michigan Wolverines an undisputed lead of 16-0, it worsened the situation for the Iowa Hawkeyes. To make matters even more unpleasant, this wasn’t the only tiebreaker the Iowa Hawkeyes lost, costing them the entire dual.

When every trump card of Iowa failed against the Michigan Wolverines


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The Michigan Wolverines smashed through the Iowa Hawkeyes lineup and secured gritty wins against the best of its wrestlers. The Wolverines played smart and stuck to good form and technique, and eventually slayed the Hawkeyes with a 24-11 victory.

Iowa’s 125-pounder Drake Ayala recently got dethroned by Matt Ramos of the Purdue Boilermakers. However, he also lost to Michael DeAugustino by a hair’s width today. The Wild One started things off for the Michigan Wolverines and defeated a top Hawkeye. The rest of the dual unfolded like a domino effect.

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Capitalizing on this momentum, a Michigan Wolverines freshman stole the spotlight from everyone when he defeated the mighty Real Woods. Moreover, the new face didn’t win via a tiebreaker, but via a clean and devastating pinfall. Will the Wolverines build on this momentum and climb the NCAA ladder from here?

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