
NCAA Division 1 has allowed numerous athletes to unfold themselves and showcase their calibre on the wrestling mat. It truly is a spot wherein the crème de la crème of the wrestling world can showcase their flair effortlessly. Similarly, participating teams and individual athletes are leaving no stone unturned to make this event one of a kind. Recently, the wrestlers participating in NCAA Division 1 have made it to the spotlight, and how. 

Interestingly, these wrestlers are making headlines not only for their impressive performances but also for their remarkable defeats. Not only one but over 60 upsets were witnessed on the wrestling mats over a period of two weeks. Unfortunately, these wrestling legends have failed to keep up with the spectators’ expectations. In a rather perplexing turn of events, an ESPN reporter uttered something that wound up becoming a clarion call to take the good with the bad. 


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ESPN reporter’s perspective unfolded

In a recent tweet by NCAA Wrestling, it was captioned as, “WHAT. A. WEEKEND. In your opinion, what was the biggest upset -or- wild performance you saw?” While week one was a mere sneak peek into the sheer insanity college wrestling fans witnessed, Week 2 was just an avalanche of failures as more than 60 wrestlers defeated higher-ranking opponents, marking one of the wildest weeks. 

In the same tweet by NCAA Wrestling, Shane Sparks commented, “Let me repeat, everyone is beatable. One more time for the people in the back… Everyone is beatable. It’s hard to win wrestling matches. ” The ESPN reporter shared his perspective that everything is possible and even the greatest of the wrestlers are beatable. He unfurled the inherent difficulty that the game holds, which is true because you need to possess great skill to even fathom making it to the top. To consistently sustain your spot at the top is even harder.

In Addition to this, Shane throws light on the fact that the wrestling world is full of surprises and unexpected turns. Although top-ranking contenders pour heart and sweat to make it to sustain their top spot, sometimes they can also get replaced by some of the lower-ranking wrestlers. While some of the wrestlers were defeated, many of them emerged victorious in the Wrestling world. 

Enthralling wrestling athletes in the NCAA Div 1  

The last weeks were quite upsetting for the top rankers in the NCAA Division as most of the wrestling legends witnessed a drawback after clinching their top spot in the event. Unfortunately, top-ranking wrestlers Vito Arujau #1, Eddie Ventresca #4, Ed Scott #5 and #6 Gavin Kane in different weight categories as per the world wrestling rankings 2023 lost their recent showdowns in NCAA Div 1. 


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While Ryan Crookham pinned Vito Arujau, Eddie Ventresca failed to clinch a win over Brendan McCrone. In addition to this, Ed Scott was defeated by Joey Blaze and Gavin Kane was defeated by Tony Negron. Unfortunately, the biggest shock of the week was Crookham as he defeated the world’s No.1 ranked wrestler, showcasing his might and formidable skill. 

Overall, teams are still unfolding as the event is approaching its end. Even though wrestlers ranking in the top 15 witnessed a drought these two weeks, there are still possibilities to make a redemption. But will the higher-ranking wrestlers be able to take redemption for the lower-ranking wrestlers dominating the events? Stay tuned for more.


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