

Would CJ Allen be where he is today without his family's unwavering support?

CJ Allen will represent Kitsap County at the upcoming Paris Olympics. The 29-year-old WSU graduate secured his spot on the national team by running the men’s 400m hurdles final in 47.81 seconds at the US Olympic Team Trials on June 30. Improving on his semi-final time in Eugene, Allen punched his ticket for his debut Olympic Games. This achievement is the result of several factors coming together.

For most athletes, success depends on a multitude of factors. Often, a strong support system is the key element that helps them attain greatness. For CJ Allen, the story is no different.

Parent’s support from childhood shaped CJ Allen’s dreams


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According to an article on the official website of OSU, CJ was the track captain for the Cougars and was widely considered capable of bearing the weight of the responsibility. His sportsman-like mentality and the ease with which he leads his teammates likely stem from the unwavering support of his parents throughout his career. Jeff and Amy Allen, CJ’s parents, have only missed one track meet in all his years of running, underscoring the importance of a strong support system.

Poll of the day

Who do you think has been the biggest influence on CJ Allen's career?

His parents

His sibling

His coach

His own determination

They’ve always been super supportive of me and push me in everything,” said Allen about his folks always making sure to stand in his corner when he ran for a place on the podium. Residents of Allyn, CJ’s parents also made sure to cheer for their son at every home game, helping their son to stay motivated with their duties from the stands. On the other hand, CJ’s accomplishments only showed his parents that their faith in him wasn’t misplaced.


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“CJ has drive and desire, he can be sick and still give 100 percent,” said Jeff, a former middle school track coach himself. It was probably thanks to this kind of unconditional support that helped CJ to win the 400mH title at the PAC-12 Championship in his freshman year. While Paris beckons Jeff with promises of track immortality, he isn’t the only one in the family striving to serve the country every day.

Meet Allen’s sibling who is also serving the nation

CJ’s brother Corey is another son that Jeff and Amy can take pride in. While CJ will be one of the flagbearers for the USA in the French capital in a few weeks’ time, Corey, a member of the Marine Corps, works to ensure his countrymen can sleep peacefully at night.


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While his family is undoubtedly one of the main sources from where CJ draws his motivation and inspiration, his feat at the Team Trials has brought even more support. “I’ve been getting messages from old friends, people in the community I’ve never met. They’ve all been backing me,” CJ said in an interview with Kitsap Sun after securing his berth for Paris. Along with the support from his family and followers, his unwavering faith in God, he says, is also a mindset that helps him to bounce back from the darkest hours of his life.

With so many people rallying to CJ’s cause, it remains to be seen what bounty the French capital has to offer the Olympic debutant.