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Noah Lyles dodged red flags for two years—Is this love or just sheer luck?

“We just didn’t click,” Noah Lyles had said about his first-ever meeting with girlfriend and sprinter Junelle Bromfield. But since then, the couple, who first met in 2018 after Bromfield slid into the US sprinter’s DMs—but didn’t start dating until 2022—have been anything but relationship goals. But behind that are two years of hard work, prioritizing each other through everything and a “no pictures” policy. But before we get to that part…

Lyles and Bromfield’s two-year relationship has also succeeded in preserving what the couple lovingly calls the “cupcake stage.” Yes, you heard that right. For those who might not be familiar, this stage is the early, dreamy part of a relationship where everything feels perfect. But how do they do it?

Well, as per Lyles, “Whenever I get in a relationship, I’m very serious. We’re going to grow old together and it’s going to be forever.” The sprinter even has a serious set of rules for that very purpose: “I’m learning on the fly. I already have my set rules: I don’t take pictures while I eat, and I don’t take pictures when I’m with my girlfriend and I don’t take pictures when I work out.”


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But here’s the catch: some might view their extended stay in the cupcake stage as a potential “red flag.” So, does this mean Noah is a red flag? Not at all; he knows how to handle it! Lyles recently weighed in on the topic with a mixed-feelings interview on Instagram. When asked by the host, “What should the beginning of a relationship feel like?” Lyles shared his perspective on the matter.

Noah Lyles, ever outspoken, described it this way: “I call that the cupcake stage or the honeymoon phase. It’s like when everything’s like sweet and curly, and everybody’s excited ’cause it’s brand new. And you know, you can kind of get away with a lot more because nobody wants to mess up the vibe of the relationship. And this probably lasts anywhere from like three months to six months, and then after that is probably when you’re definitely going to start having your debates and your arguments with each other.”

Bromfield also weighed in saying, “I think it should feel easy because, at this stage, I will learn about his birthdays and favorite colors. It’s butterflies every day.” Until now, everything seemed perfect and enchanting, but the host then asked the question that would be on everyone’s mind: “Are you in the debate phase or in your cupcake phase still?”

Interestingly, Bromfield responded with a smile, “Cupcake for me.” Without missing a beat, Lyles playfully added, “Two years strong, I must be doing something right.” Their lighthearted exchange set the tone for the host to delve deeper, asking whether they thought arguing early in a relationship was a red flag or just a natural part of the process.

In response, Bromfield shared an honest view, saying, “Yes, it’s a red flag for me because, as I said, it’s supposed to be the easy part of the cupcake phase. But it might differ for some people because it might have different personalities. I want you to get to know each other more; you start meshing together better.” Lyles then added his take, saying, “It depends on what you’re arguing about.

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Noah Lyles dodged red flags for two years—Is this love or just sheer luck?

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Notably, in 2020, the Olympian had even unfollowed his future girlfriend because his then-girlfriend wasn’t comfortable with how “close” they were. “Even though I wasn’t texting her, and she was like, ‘I don’t feel comfortable with this situation’.” Bromfield then blocked him on all social media platforms. Then after briefly talking at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, trading their pins and fresh out of a breakup, Lyles decided to give it another try. This time he was the one to slid into her DMs! And the rest, as people say is history…but not without heartbreaking controversies…

Noah Lyles and Junelle turn online sparks become real-life flames

Fresh off a gold medal in 100m in Paris, Noah Lyles has really immersed himself in his Jamaican girlfriend Junelle Bromfield’s world. He’s visited her hometown numerous times and even rocked a Jamaican-inspired Adidas kit at a 2024 press conference. Lyles raved about Jamaica, saying, “When you go to Jamaica, you’re treated like a freaking rock star.” Both he and Bromfield are standout Olympic track and field athletes, and their relationship became public in December 2022, just a few months after they started dating.

But it’s not always rainbows and chocolates as online abuse has always kept the couple on their toes. The immense backlash started with a casual confession by Noah, where he mentioned being up-to-date with Team Jamaica’s internal drama. “I’ve been getting the drama from Jamaican camps for at least five years now……there’s a lot of times where I make references to Jamaicans. I’m not saying it because I’m like trying to go back and forth, but because I know information that other people don’t,” he said in July this year.

This angered the community, who continued their onslaught on the Jamaican for “betraying” her teammates. While this didn’t affect Bromfield initially, she addressed the situation when death threats became a regular occurrence, as did her boyfriend in a separate Instagram post.


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“I honestly thought we were past colorism in Jamaica especially as nation that is filled with black people . I have been getting cyber bullied for weeks and when it gets talked about I’m a liar because no Jamaican was coming for my features . I could go off ranting but I’m just here to tell all the girls/women on my profile that you’re beautiful no matter your shade ,shape or size and for the the little black girls don’t wait on anybody to tell you that your beautiful to believe it,” she wrote on August 23.

Bromfield’s heartfelt post garnered Yohan Blake and Gabby Thomas’ attention, who lauded the sprinter for her honestly and also asked her to stay strong and move forward.

Earlier, on August, Noah wrote on Instagram, “She has been through so much in her life that I could never imagine fighting through…But the most impressive thing I’ve seen recently is how she’s dealt with the pure disrespect and hatred towards her from her own country. This woman has been attacked by people who have never met her, heard her name before, never seen her smile, or heard what she believes in. But she keeps moving forward knowing that God will always make a way.”


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This show of support explains how the couple has weathered all storm. Does this inspire you? Let us know in the comments below!