
The Swimming prodigy, Markus Rogan enjoys a vast grid of activities beyond the pool. From being a two-time Olympic medalist to pursuing his interest in psychology, Rogan has covered it all. Interestingly, owing to his interest in challenging his boundaries, he once took a rigorous swimming test and passed with flying colors.

A couple of years back, Dr. Markus Rogan signed up for the Navy Seal Screening test. And, participated in all of its challenging levels. For a legendary swimmer like Markus, the test would be a cakewalk, right? Let?s find out, whether it was a cinch for the swimmer or not.

Markus Rogan signed himself up for the Navy Seal Screening


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In 2021, the 2x world record breaker participated in a Navy Seal test. Moreover, the whole challenge was documented by Navy veteran, Alexander Austen and is now available on Austen?s official Youtube channel. As per the video, the host thanked Markus for taking up the test. On this, the Olympian said, ?Thanks for the invitation. I?m kind of nervous about it?. However, before diving right into the pool, the Austrian said, ?Let?s do it?.

Furthermore, Level 1 for Navy Seal requires a candidate to cover 500 yards in 10 laps of swim within the time frame of 8 minutes. Interestingly, Markus completed the challenge in 5 minutes and 49 seconds. Now, for Level 2, a participant requires to perform 80-100 pushups, which then had a minimum standard of 50 pushups. However, the psychologist surpassed the mark of 50 by performing 83 pushups.

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Passing on to Level 3, which is a situps level with a minimum standard of 50 reps. And, again Markus broke the standard and performed 73 reps. However, Rogan didn?t pass the Pull-ups level, i.e. the 4th level of the Navy Seal test.

Rogan competed to win the next most challenging level of the Navy Seal


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Interestingly, Markus followed his drive to win the challenge and went on to clear the 5th level by completing the 1.5-mile run in 9 minutes and 45 seconds. And, by winning 4 out of 5 levels, the swimmer bagged the momentous victory by passing the screening test.


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The Austrian then expressed his heartfelt gratitude towards Austen for inviting him to take up the challenge. Rogan said, ?I didn?t expect that you gave me today was my own inspiration, mental inspiration?, added Markus. Clearly, Rogan enjoys testing his boundaries. With this, we wish to see him taking up more such challenges in the future.

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