
One of the most challenging sports in the Olympics is swimming. The Swimmers put their entire body to work, practicing all year with the required energy and stamina. As a result, swimming is one of the toughest sports to compete in since it requires constant activity.


However, one swimmer got lucky because a Millionaire British singer himself wished him good luck. The singer was non-other than Harry Styles. He doesn’t leave a chance to put smiles on the faces of his fans. 


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Harry Styles’ golden advice

Who knew that Harry Styles’ secret, apart from singing will, be giving advice? This incident happened during Harry’s one of the tour stops. Styles witnessed one fan from the crowd who was ready to dive in the pools in the Olympics and gave a piece of advice.

The handle of NBC shared the video and wrote, “Harry Styles gave some solid Olympic advice at one of his concerts.” There in the video, Harry was seen saying, “Just, Just keep swimming; I wish you all the best for the Olympics. Swim hard, hard, fast. Don’t stop at any point.”

His charismatic stage presence and talent combine with the fascination that only the greats possess to make him one of the most influential and commercially successful musicians of all time.

READ MORE: Harry Styles Has Introduced His Own Slang, and it Includes Legendary Swimmer Michael Phelps

Beyond music, Styles has become one of the most significant figures in the fashion industry thanks to his collection consistently creating timeless, iconic outfits. From 16, he showed grand gestures of kindness and humanity. Being on the stage, he understands his voice’s impact on others. 


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Harry’s love for swimming

The Hollywood celebrity’s passion for the game is nothing new to his fans. Various times, Styles has been spotted swimming with his team. Once, during an interview with Garden Magazine, the interviewer Lou Stoppard chit-chatted with Harry Styles. During the interview, the former One Direction singer referred to the legendary, most decorated swimmer of history, Michael Phelps


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While doing the interview, they dived into the water, and Harry called Lou, “All right, Michael Phelps.” Since he first began swimming as a young child, Styles has enjoyed the activity greatly. There was no going back after he experienced the delight of swimming in the frigid water.

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