
Malibu beaches have always been a crowd favorite when it comes to surfing. California’s south swell has always made the locals grab their surfboards and run out to the shore. Now that summertime is fast approaching in Southern California, everyone knows what time it is in Los Angeles. As the air gets warmer, and the south swell starts to kick up, the summertime surf spots that had hibernated for the winters have started to awaken again.

Because of the advent of the El Niño current, the waters are starting to get warmer, which means it’s the perfect opportunity for masses of humans to take a dunk in the water. Surfing season is in full swing in Malibu, and that can only mean one thing.

Massive surfing crowd chokes up Malibu surf


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A Los-Angeles based surf videographer, Brad Jacobson, posted a video on his Instagram that would make any claustrophobic person run in the other direction. The video showed the Malibu surf in all its glory, with the waves filled with plenty of surfers. Along with the video, the videographer wrote the caption, “Malibu is the most entertaining surf spot to watch. I headed up there Tuesday for the South swell. #malibu #surfing #malibusurf #crazysurf”.

Indeed, when the south swell hits, people in Los Angeles would probably climb over bodies to get to the ocean and catch a warm wave. When righthander waves are coupled with the south swell, the waves are simply too good to pass up. At this point, all surfing etiquette takes a prompt hike from the beaches of Malibu and vanishes into thin air, which is evident by the video. Random drop-ins, multiple surfers per wave, altercations in the water, wipeouts, and loose longboards careening through the lineup are, unfortunately, a common sight.

Read more: Iconic Surfing Image Made Out of 1,000,000 Different Photos Sparked Controversy After Winning a Competition Earlier This Year

In fact, during this time of the year, a paddle out with another surfer is the only way to catch a wave, forget about riding one solo. In the video, Jacobson sarcastically narrated the entire situation, and said, “There’s not much etiquette there. People just go. They look over their shoulder, see someone coming, and still go.” He suggested that a special WSL contest shall be conducted for the surfers of Malibu. Jacobson’s audience was in agreement with him, as was apparent by their comments.


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Internet reacts to the crazy crowd at Malibu

When the video started circulating on social media, someone from the viewers aptly described the scene at the Malibu beach, saying, “What a sh*t show.” Another surfer, with some much-needed irony, wrote, “Whenever I’m relaxed and in a good mood I paddle out at first point to be angry and stressed out.” Someone else simply commented, “This is so stupid.” One of the viewers came up with a solution for his fellow surfers, and said, “”gentleman’s hour” there is from 2 to 3am”.


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Another surfer corroborated this, and revealed, “yep! I surfed 1st point from 7am – 11am last month during a little bump off a swell and got maybe 6 waves with none to myself. The last time I night surfed back in October last year from 2-6am, I got about a dozen solid head high waves all to myself.” apparently, the early morning hours is the only time when one can get some peace at the crowded Malibu beaches when half of the world is fast asleep.

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