
The terror of shark attacks never seemed to leave the ocean. However, this didn’t stop one Hawaiian bodyboarder who was attacked by a tiger shark, from allowing it to define him. He was 18 years old and had just lost a leg in a shark attack in 1997. However, instead of being afraid, he entered into an emotional relationship with sharks, becoming their advocate and photographer, who was able to create a new attitude towards the top predatory animals.

It is the story of his transformation, taken straight from a victim to an advocate, all documented in a book he wrote recently. The mission began, aimed at protecting sharks and the ocean. In essence, it is the strength that comes out of being able to turn one’s misfortunes into a source of strength.

From a shark attack victim to shark advocate


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Mike Coots’ survival and transformation after the devastating tiger shark attack is an inspiring tale to reminisce and admire. He acted when he saw that such an experience had potential for a campaign on sharks’ preservation. His desire increased as he captured photos of these deadly creatures in their beauty and turned his terrific experience into a successful money-making business. The amazing images proved that they are not so bad.

The impetus for his fight for the sharks was provided by his contact with fellow victim Debbie Salamone, who introduced him to the human side of shark exploitation. From then on, he has been raising awareness of these apparently gregarious predators with his beautiful photographs of the sharks. “After that, [sharks] became my favorite subject to photograph,” he told DailyMail in an interview referring to his shark attack incident. Further, he added that sharks “are beautiful, mysterious, technically difficult as a subject and really fun to photograph.

25 years after the harrowing incident, Mike Coots is now a renowned shark photographer because he deeply loves sharks. His gorgeously composed pictures give a unique insight into their world, busting myths and bridging understanding about apex predators. In addition to his photography, Coots authored the book “Shark: Portraits”, an educational and engaging book on sharks for its readers.

How did Mike Coots get attacked by a shark?


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The fatal shark attack took place while Coots was paddling toward the Kauai waters back in 1997. He had a horror experience during his early morning outing after he was attacked by a big tiger shark. “I paddled for a wave, and a large tiger shark attacked me,” Coots told the source. Incredibly, Coots experienced no pain but extreme pressure when it was attacked by a shark on the latter’s leg.

Read More- “All of a Sudden Something Hit Me”: Swimming Vacation Turns Into Horror for 77-Year-Old TV Presenter as He Narrates a Terrifying Shark Attack Story

Speaking about the attack with source, Coots stated that “It [was] the time of year when more attacks happen, and the water was murky.’ Later he added, ‘probably mistook [him] for a turtle.” As this happened, Coots’ sense of survival came into action and helped the latter punch the former on its nose, thereby loosening its hold. A friend helped by applying a tourniquet, which eventually saved him when he managed to make it to the shore.


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Despite facing great hardships in life after the shark attack, Mike Coots endured the pain and even flourished as a successful photographer, using his horrific experience to advocate for and honor sharks throughout his lifespan.

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