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Olympian is a title that most athletes want to see attached to their names. For over 20 years, the surfing community has rooted for one such opportunity. But, unlike other sports that have been part of this coveted meet for a long time, surfing only made its Olympic debut in the 2020 version of the Summer Games, with it being added to the Tokyo roster for the first time. Similarly, at the impending 33rd Olympic meet in the French capital, kitesurfing is another event slated to be flagged off.

However, amidst these historic developments, the Parasurfing community is still awaiting the go-ahead for the inclusion of their sport at the Paralympic Games. While this possibility still hangs in balance, 11-time world champion Kelly Slater has now lent his voice to the para surfers’ campaign.

Kelly Slater vouches for Para Surfing to arrive at the LA28 doorstep


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Kelly Slater recently appeared in the Instagram story of Victoria Fiege, a 5x World Para Surfing Champion. In the clip, Fiege explained that para surfing has been approved by the ISA and the Paralympics, when Slater interrupted her enthusiastically, citing, “We need 10,000 signatures!” He further turned toward Fiege and remarked, “There’s only 2000 now, right?” To this, she affirmed, stating, “We need 10,000 signatures. Help us push para-surfing in the Paralympics.”

Fiege seemingly met Slater at the 44th Annual Da Hui Paddle Race, where the video was shot. Thus, announcements were being voiced on a mic in the background. Nonetheless, Slater continued, “We’re trying to overpower the speaking back there, but if you guys could support the para-surfing at the Olympics in Los Angeles, it would be great.” He further emphasized, “We just need a few signatures to get you guys in the water.”

Subsequently, Slater even reposted Fiege’s Instagram story from his account. In his story, he penned a call to action: “Let’s work to get enough signatures to have para-surfing athletes in the Olympics in Los Angeles!” Moreover, the video even featured a link to the petition page. It directed the people to the platform where they could sign and power the Paralympians to a smashing debut.

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You must be wondering how a few signatures can help this massive campaign. And what are the impediments restricting the sport’s inclusion in the Paralympic Games? Well, here’s a recap of the entire matter.


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Why do the signatures matter?

Parasurfing is a sport that has not featured in any of the Paralympic Games hosted so far. But, in an epoch-making first, it was approved by the International Surfing Association (ISA) and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). It met all the qualifications to be included in the LA Paralympic Games in 2028. But the rising hopes were soon quashed. On June 12, the ISA announced that the Los Angeles 2028 Organising Committee (LA28) would not be proposing parasurfing as a new sport.

While the petition page claims that the reason behind this is ‘cost complexity or difficulty in location,’ ISA does not cite any official cause. However, they do float an assurance. They commit to working with the IPC in the future. And advocating for para surfing’s inclusion in the 2032 Paralympic Games in Brisbane. However, the parasurfers have decided to take the matter into their own hands this time. They are now relying on gathering 10,000 signatures, hoping to solidify their plea that para-surfing should be given this well-deserved chance.


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The surfing community surely seems to be joining forces with them, hoping for more inclusivity in the sport. Especially with Kelly Slater, the G.O.A.T. stepping up in their support. What do you think will be the outcome? Will the decision prevail, or will the signatures prevail? Let us know below.