
Surfing made its debut at the Olympics in the latest edition two years ago. The Tokyo Olympics gave surfing a much-required global uplift and also produced a new champion, Carissa Moore. Then-28-year-old Carissa Moore won the gold medal at Tokyo and her journey has since been onward and upwards. She also won the World Championships a whopping 5 times. Yet, as every smooth ride hits a bump every once in a while, Moore too met with an unexpectedly big defeat at the Rio Pro Semi-Finals. However, it was what happened afterward that left her way more humiliated, embarrassed, and disrespected.

Already disappointed after her loss, Moore was making her way back to her home in Hawaii from Brazil. At the Houston airport in the middle, Moore insisted that she was “handled inappropriately” by the airport security. After all her efforts to explain them went in vain, she felt “violated” and insulted by them.

Olympic gold medalist, Carissa Moore deserved to be treated with more respect


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Carissa Moore took to her Instagram story and wrote a long passage about her unfortunate experience at the Houston airport. She wrote, “Went through security at the Houston airport, felt violated and disrespected when I was searched. No one had the decency to listen and treat me with kindness. I’ve never felt so alone and powerless”.

Carissa Moore lost out the Semi-Finals of Vivo Rio Pro to American surfer Caitlin Simmers by 13.67 – 9.56. Summers went on to win the championship. Moore, still a 5-time World Surf League Women’s World Tour Champion, was naturally expecting to be treated with more respect. She continued, “I’m fine but pretty shaken up. I don’t think I deserved to be treated that way. No one does. Trying to have some empathy for them. Maybe they are going through something, who knows? Let’s try to be a little more patient, kind, and understanding with each other.”

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Moore’s manner of handling the situation and dealing with the staff despite feeling violated speaks volumes about her personality and character.


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Despite her enviable record, Moore’s humility is one to admire

The calmness and serenity with which she understood the situation are natural to her demeanor. However, needless to say, she didn’t deserve to be treated in that manner, and nor does anyone. Moore has loved surfing all her life. She also won the Championship Tour a record 27 times, the latest of which she won at the Margaret River Pro in Australia. Her hunger for performing well is innately embedded in her, and therefore, the loss at Rio Pro would definitely sting.

via Imago

To top it off, the bad behavior she experienced didn’t make her day any better for her. Moore is also aware of the influence she has on people and the number of fans who love and adore her. In another story, she wrote, “I really appreciate all the kind messages. I’m truly grateful for the loving community around me and support. I definitely don’t feel alone”. She then went on to explain in detail how such incidents can and should be avoided in the future for everyone’s gain.


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