
In just 51 days, the City of Love is about to transform into the ultimate global sports stage as it hosts the Paris Olympics. Over 15 million people from all corners of the globe, including around 10,500 top-tier athletes, are gearing up to descend upon the city. But pulling off such a colossal event doesn’t come cheap, with Paris reportedly shelling out a staggering $9.7 billion to make it happen. Yet, the journey to Olympic glory hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing.

From domestic squabbles to scrubbing up the Seine River and tackling security snags, the organizers have faced more hurdles than a steeplechase. And just when you thought they’d caught their breath, here come fresh challenges: terror threats, homelessness concerns, and a heap of accusations that are giving the French capital some pre-Olympic jitters.

Terror threats at the Paris Olympics ignite a growing concern


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According to Voice of America News, there are growing concerns regarding potential threats to the upcoming Paris Olympics. A report by the cybersecurity firm Recorded Future suggests that terrorists or extremist groups might attempt violent attacks during the event. However, the primary focus of concern is on physical attacks rather than cyberattacks. Recorded Future’s Insikt Group stated in their report, “We assess that physical security threats — including terrorism, violent extremism, civil unrest and disruptive protests — pose the greatest risk of harm and disruption.”

via Reuters

The report also highlighted how French authorities have thwarted some terror plots targeting the Olympics, such as the arrest of a teenager planning a suicide bombing at an Olympic venue. Furthermore, the Insikt Group warned about the potential threat from groups like ISIS (Islamic State) and al-Qaeda, known for their history of carrying out terrorist attacks. Alongside the risk of physical attacks, there is also a heightened alert regarding cyberattacks, which could involve hacking into computer systems or spreading false information online. However, despite these challenges, significant measures are also being implemented to enhance the safety of the games.

The security measures taken by Paris include background security checks, the establishment of a high-security zone for the parade, re-registration and online checks for ticket holders, and the deployment of 45,000 security force members for the event, including 2,500 foreign police. As we contemplate these security concerns and the efforts to secure the Paris Olympics, there are also darker updates emerging about the city’s most vulnerable.


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Paris’ homeless and vulnerable face the brunt of the preparations

As Paris gears up to host the biggest sports event, many French charities are drawing attention to the many people forced out of their homes. These folks include the homeless, those living in camps, and those dealing with problems like drug addiction or sex work. Le Revers de la Médaille (The Other Side of the Medal), representing 90 associations, says over 12,545 people have been relocated in 13 months, and tent camps have been taken down more often. The group mentions immigrants, women, and children in vulnerable situations among those affected.


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While Le Revers de la Médaille called this movement “social cleansing,” Paul Alauzy, from Médecins du Monde, blames the government, saying, “They are hiding the misery under the rug.” The Paris 2024 organizing committee, however, says it’s not in charge of social policies or policing, while the social affairs ministry says it’s listening to charities’ concerns.

These complex issues highlight that while cities prepare for big events like the Olympics, it’s crucial to consider the rights and needs of everyone, especially the most vulnerable. As we reflect on these challenges in Paris, do you believe Paris and the Olympic Committee can address these issues in the next 51 days? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!