
Rebeca Andrade has had her fair share of ups and downs, but one thing that’s constant in her life is her parents’ undeniable backing. The Brazilian gymnast has overcome several obstacles, such as three terrible ACL injuries. Her achievements captured world attention on the international scene, which includes winning gold and silver medals at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Rosa, her single mother, is the inexorable juggernaut in her life and Andrade even doffs her hat to her.

Rosa Santos has a greater impact than just standard parental guidance. Raising Rebeca and her seven siblings by herself in a favela outside of São Paulo, she taught them the importance of resilience and hard work. This is not just a tale of maternal love; it’s also a journey of patience that made Rebeca’s potential a reality. Rosa’s tireless efforts and steadfast encouragement in eking out meagre earnings so that her daughter could get the life she deserved should be shone a light on. From humble, impoverished beginnings to Olympic glory, let’s delve into the role her OG mother played in her life.

Who is Rebeca Andrade’s mother, the messiah of her life?


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Rosa Santos experience is one of constant commitment. To support her huge family, she worked many jobs as a single mother. To save money, Rosa, a domestic helper, frequently walked great distances. Despite her reasonable salary, she made sure her children always had enough. Rebeca Andrade stated, “The financial aspect was the hardest part,” as reported by CGTN America. “Regardless of where you come from, your financial situation, or your colour, you have to believe in yourself and not let anyone stop you from achieving your goals,” – making it known to mankind that there is no excuse for dreaming big and a strong and able support system is all that one needs.


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Furthermore, Rosa was more than just a financial helper. Early on, she saw Rebeca’s potential and made every effort to develop it. This involved walking to work every day even though it required using her bus pass to guarantee Rebeca could attend gymnastics training in the gym. Recognizing this significant influence, Rebeca says, “My mother walked to work so that I could use her bus pass to go to the gym with my brother, so I am very grateful to her and my sibling who made my dream possible.” However, in the end, her mother’s strong will and efforts resulted in a greater outcome.

Rosa did everything to make Andrade’s Olympic dream come true

Rebeca success pretty much hinged on Rosa’s shoulders, metaphorically. Major roadblocks dogged Rebeca’s route, three of which were ACL injuries requiring a lengthy convalescence. Every time, Rosa was there for her daughter, giving her the moral and emotional support she needed to stay inspired. Rebeca’s drive to bounce back from setbacks, stronger than before, is a sign of the groundwork her mother established. How we envy her maternal figure.


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Moreover, Rosa not only provided Rebeca with emotional and physical assistance but also nurtured an environment that promoted Rebeca’s development. This involved relocating to Rio de Janeiro so that Rebeca could receive training at the esteemed Flamengo Club. Given their financial circumstances, these choices were not simple. However, Santos was committed to providing Rebeca with the greatest chances possible. “I’ve overcome a lot of things, and each time I overcame something tough, I was more determined to come back; I wanted to win even more,” Andrade said, looking back on her path.

However, Rosa’s hard work paid off as Andrade made history in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, winning silver in the all-around competition and gold in the vault. Additionally, with this accomplishment, Rebeca Andrade became the first female gymnast in Brazil to earn an Olympic medal. The whole town supported her as a symbol of hope and fortitude in trying times, and Rosa felt proud and happy for her. Galvão Bueno, the most well-known sports commentator in Brazil, who called Rebeca Andrade the “absolute princess of global gymnastics” and this can be taken to the bank. Thus, Andrade is carrying her mother’s teachings and principles with her as she proceeds to clinch the unthinkable, including the 2024 Olympics in Paris and yonder.