

Would MyKayla Skinner have reached Olympic heights without her family's unwavering support?

Tokyo Olympic medalist MyKayla Skinner is not new to the limelight. Albeit recently, she got caught in a dramatic controversy concerning her former profession- gymnastics. But throughout it and the general ebb and flow of life, it seems Skinner has always had a safe space in her family. Now a mother to a nine-month-old herself, growing up, MyKayla was nurtured by her parents and inspired by her siblings, which unveiled a path for her in life.

Later, as she graced the Olympic stage, the Skinner family was rooting for her to win. Having seen the gymnast’s journey up close, no one knew better than them what it meant to her. But wait, who are her parents and siblings? What do we know about them? Here are the details.

Meet MyKayla Skinner’s mom and dad


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MyKayla Skinner’s parents are Cris and Kym Skinner. The couple had their daughter MyKayla in Gilbert, Arizona. But, she has three of her other siblings, helping complete the Skinner clan. MyKayla has two sisters, Chelsea and Katie, both of whom are now married and have adorable children. On the other hand, she also has a brother, Jeremy, and a bunch of nieces and nephews.

Obviously, each one is proud of the feats MyKayla has achieved in her gymnastics career. Especially her mother, who could not contain her happiness and pride when MyKayla made it to the Tokyo-bound ‘fierce six’ USA women’s gymnastics team for the Tokyo Olympics held in 2021. Speaking to Today, Kym Skinner remarked at the time, “It’s totally amazing.” She added, “It’s surreal. (I’m) so happy that MyKayla finally did this and made her dream. It’s awesome. We’re so excited to be a part of this team.”


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Kym even boosted the entire team collectively. She stated, “Our common saying is, ‘You got this’. And just go out there and do your best.” Well, MyKayla Skinner certainly did. Bagging the second position in the Vault, Skinner returned home with an Olympic silver, giving the family enough and more reasons to celebrate.

Even today, as one skims through MyKayla’s social media, she often celebrates various occasions with her entire family unit. Evidently, she is extremely close to her family. Especially her sisters, who have had a deeply significant role in her initial journey that culminated in her becoming a world-renowned gymnast.

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Would MyKayla Skinner have reached Olympic heights without her family's unwavering support?

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As a kid, Skinner was inspired by her gymnast sisters


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As children, we often find inspiration in the role models we see around us. Similar was the case for the Utah alumnus MyKayla Skinner, who identified her sisters as her guiding light and followed their path. Interestingly, MyKayla was not the first gymnast in the Skinner family. Chelsea and Katie were the ones who practiced gymnastics before her. Looking at them, MyKayla was encouraged and wanted to tread in their footsteps.

Therefore, she took to the sport when she was just 4 and happened to have developed her skills subsequently. And after that, there was no stopping her! From the Fiesta Bowl in 2013, to the City of Jesolo Trophy in 2014, and being the 2016 Olympic team alternate to finally bagging the Olympic medal in 2021, that’s how the world witnessed MyKayla Skinner shine. What do you think of her journey? Let us know below.