
Despite defeating Simone Biles in the 2013 AT & T American Cup and firmly engraving her legacy in gymnastics, Katelyn Ohashi’s journey has not been easy. Experiencing body-shaming and falling prey to an eating disorder, Ohashi had to transform across all fronts to dominate in gymnastics with 5 gold medals in the Pacific Rim Championships, and a perfect score of 10 for her gymnastics routines. However, even the best have bad days. Recently, Ohashi disclosed her most embarrassing moment in a TikTok video.

Displaying how she had publicly failed to do a gymnastics move, in her TikTok video, Ohashi admitted that she took four years to accept the embarrassing moment. Playing the song “Dumb Ways to Die” in the background, Ohashi fearlessly shared the unforgettable moment with thousands of fans. So what was the gymnastics move she was unable to execute with perfection?

Katelyn Ohashi bares her heart with thousands of fans

Dressed in a sleeveless outfit, the TikTok video shows Ohashi attempting to perform a flip in front of the audience in a dim setting. With all eyes on her, Ohashi leaps ahead courageously. Though she manages to get her head and shoulders near the ground while flipping, suddenly, her momentum breaks. This caused her to remain on the floor instead of standing up confidently after the flip.
Ohashi captioned this post, “Took me about four years to not be embarrassed about this one.” She also added two laughing emojis to the caption, hinting at how she has learned to accept failure with courage. This is not the only time Ohashi had an awkward moment while performing a gymnastics move. Once, Ohashi admitted how she made a powerful move that stunned her coach.

Katelyn Ohashi’s unexpected confession in a 2021 video

While rating gymnastics stunts in TV and movies, Ohashi saw a video clip from the Jurassic Park series where a person firmly grips a bar and hits the enemy, later kicking the dinosaur to protect others. This made Ohashi confess, “I’ve kicked my coach on bars.” However, this is not all.
She pointed out that while the person was swinging on a metal bar, she had to use wooden bars while practicing gymnastics. Further, she implied how injuries during gymnastics were a common occurrence, elaborating that she had seen people walking underneath the bar getting injured.
Ohashi’s admission about her embarrassing moment proves how she has moved on from feeling bad about her failure to realizing how defeats and imperfections are a part and parcel of life. How can you relate to Ohashi’s confession of her embarrassing moment? Share your thoughts in the comments section.