
People who know Simone Biles are aware of her hectic training schedule throughout these years. Gymnastics includes various routines, which are not just physically tricky but also mentally.

However, when she made her fiance and NFL player Jonathan Owens try a burdensome rope challenge, he couldn’t bear it. In addition, during an interview, Owens addressed how he doesn’t know how all gymnasts do this every day.


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Owens flabbergasted by Simone Biles’ routine

In starting, Owens was unmindful of Simone’s havoc routines until he tried them himself. During an interview with the Houston Texans team in 2021, Owens shared some wise words about his games. The interviewers also questioned Owens regarding the rope challenge. 

The interviewer, Deepi Sidhu, stated, “She smoked you, Jonathan.” While replying to her, Owens said, “She didn’t tell me that they do that every day. I said now we got a race in a 40, and then we’ll be eating. Okay, it looks too easy for her.”

 READ MORE: “Couldn’t Do the Basic Things”: Simone Biles’ Fiance, Jonathan Owens, Was Left Shocked, After Trying Out Gymnastics Sport

Despite his athletic body, gymnastics was a bit harsh on Jonathan. Simone took her fiance to the gymnastics arena during the episode of Simone vs. herself. After both had done a rope challenge, Jonathan understood a gymnast’s difficulties in mastering the sport. The Houston Texans earlier player believed that his sport required more stamina than gymnastics. Unsurprisingly, with time, the 25-year-old gymnast made him realize gymnastics needs more effort. 


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What Owens felt after trying Simone’s crucial routine?

Both vaguely understood the other’s sport when they first started dating in 2020. For example, Simone did not know about football clearly, while Owens was also unaware of gymnastics ethics. Both sports require a hefty amount of stamina and concentration. During the Facebook watch episode, Owens stated“I thought I was athletic until I came and tried to do this. And they said I couldn’t do the basic things, so I said, Oh, Okay.”


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During 2016, the gymnast trained for 30 hours a week, which further increased during the Olympics. However, with time, Owens understood the vital roles of heavy routines in gymnastics. The couple’s adorable banter on sports with each other gets adored by their fans. During one episode of Simone Biles’ Snapchat story, the couple was seen competing in various tasks of football and gymnastics.

Watch The Story: Everything You Need to Know About Simone Biles And Jonathan Owens’ Big Wedding