
Simone Biles, who once had a “fear of being broke,” and her husband Jonathan Owens are eagerly counting down the days until they can move into their new home. The 7x Olympic medallist and her NFL player husband, who married in a courthouse ceremony in April last year, currently live in a $2 million house in Houston, Texas. However, they have been building a new home from scratch in the same city since last year. Keeping her beloved fans UpToDate, Biles often shares glimpses of the construction process on social media, documenting the journey since September 2023.

The house seems to be a perfect and costly masterpiece, featuring black-and-white stone for the kitchen countertops, island, and backsplash, with prominent black veining. Adding to the aesthetics, it also boasts a stunning waterfront view, hardwood floors, and large sliding glass doors that open to a back patio. However, building such a beautiful and luxurious house like a castle comes with significant financial demands. Despite these hurdles, Simone Biles appears unfazed by financial anxieties.

But keeping her splurges urges in check, Biles has always been very prudent. “I will only splurge if I earned it.” Her recent post on X hints at her confidence in overcoming any monetary concerns, as she expresses a desire for something of high value, potentially in the five-figure range but that’s not something for the house.


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In a recent post on Instagram, Simone Biles shared a story featuring a Mini Royal Oak watch in three different colors: rose gold, silver, and frosted white gold. In her caption, she expressed her desire to purchase, ” if any jeweler has one of these in stock for purchase specifically the frosted white gold,” urging jewelers to reach out to her directly via message. However, amidst Simone’s admiration for the Mini Royal Oak, another voice chimed in from the X.

Liviefromparis posted a contrasting perspective, humorously highlighting the vast difference in priorities between herself and Simone. She humorously lamented, Simone Biles and me got very different priorities 😭😭 I’ll never comprehend how a watch can cost the price of an apartment in France 👀🫣. Notably, the watch in question appears to be the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Mini Frosted Gold Quartz Dial, typically priced at $68,799. Yet, as soon as the post surfaced, fans swiftly began offering diverse viewpoints on the matter, sparking a lively conversation.

Simone Biles fans stunned beyond belief!

Amidst the numerous comments on Simone Biles’ luxurious demand, a few voices stood out, each echoing the astonishment and contemplation sparked by the luxury timepiece. One fan succinctly captured the magnitude of the watch’s value, expressing, “That watch alone is worth 2.5 years of my yearly income. As in, if I sold that watch and got that money, I wouldn’t have to work a single day for over 2 years.” This shows the significant financial investment represented by the watch, suggesting a potential life-altering windfall if it were to be sold.


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Another commenter goes a deeper into the socioeconomic context, remarking, “Wow that is absolutely crazy 😧 but same for most salaries in France tbh. A watch could literally change someone’s life.” This observation extends beyond the individual’s personal finances, hinting at the broader implications of luxury consumption and wealth distribution within society.

Adding a geographical perspective, another fan weighed in with, “In Milan that’s barely enough to buy a garage,” highlighting the stark regional variations in cost of living and real estate prices. This remark sheds light on the disparity in purchasing power across different regions, emphasizing the relative value of luxury items in varying contexts.

Expanding on this notion of regional affordability, another commenter contributed, “I mean Milan is like THE most expensive! haha but in Italy in smaller cities I’m sure you can find flats for that price! In many mid-size cities in France you can find that easily.” Here, the focus shifts to the relative affordability of housing in different locales, showing how perceptions of value and luxury can vary greatly depending on geographic location.


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Lastly, a commenter chimed in making a comparison between the cost of apartments in France and the Netherlands, “Appartements are quite cheap in France then! At least compared to the Netherlands. Btw, I’m starting to resent Simones luxury lifestyle and how she’s showing it This suggests a feeling of discomfort or dissatisfaction surrounding the Biles watch’s price tag demand.

However, within the context of someone as successful as Biles with 37 overall medals, such expenditures may not carry the same weight. According to a report by Celebrity Net Worth, as of 2024, Simone Biles’ net worth is USD 16 million, indicating a level of financial success where luxury purchases like this may not be as daunting.