

Adria Biles furious over Simone's first meet with Jonathan Owens—Is sibling rivalry at play here?

The four siblings—Simone, Tevin, her older sister, Ashley, and her younger sister, Adria—always moved in a bunch. First sent to foster parents, Miss Doris and Mr. Leo, they had a pet, a beagle named Teddy, and a trampoline that the kids weren’t allowed to use. Instead, they had a swing set in their backyard. Biles would imitate her brother as she swung high and dismounted mid-air on the ground. Adria, however, took a little to catch up.

Ron and Nellie Biles eventually adopted the children. They too had a trampoline; only this time, they were allowed to use it. A toddler in Simone was used to being “just plain stubborn” and a “bossy little thing” over her younger sister. But her warmth towards Adria never perished to start with. Nellie often found Simone curled up in Adria’s crib during their first visit to Spring, a suburb north of Texas. Jumping off a railing on the second floor onto a couch on the first floor, Adria literally followed her everywhere. “She has always been fearless,” stated Adria. Over the years, the relationship only grew stronger. Now, imagine a third person suddenly joining in…

Adria didn’t like it when Simone Biles’s attention got divided between her and Jonathan Owens. In a chat with Chris Osmond on YouTube, she opened up about her initial feelings when Simone and Jonathan started dating. She didn’t hold back, admitting, “I’m like so annoying because I’m like, ‘That is my sister’. Like I’m so selfish with her because I’m literally like, ‘That’s my baby’. And so when she met Jonathan, I wasn’t happy.”


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“Like I knew he was a good guy, and I knew they were great, but I was like, ‘You’re taking my time away from her’. Like I felt so annoyed and so like to be honest, me and him didn’t get along. I was just like being a brat. Now, obviously, I love him.”

We are glad this rivalry between Adria Biles and Jonathan Owens came to an end. The younger Biles sister looks at Owens as her older brother now. Despite the early jealousy, they are now thick as thieves. Remember back in July, when she posted a heartfelt birthday shout-out for Owens on her Instagram story? She wrote, “Happy Birthday BIL thank you for taking care of my sister and thanks for always looking out for me.” But there’s more.

When Simone and Owens were getting married, Adria was the bridesmaid, enjoying every moment of the celebration. Additionally, the younger sister and Simone’s husband were on the same page during the 2024 Paris Olympics by constantly cheering for the star gymnast. However, it looks like Adria’s biggest competition for Simone’s attention is yet to come.

And that’s something she fears. Who are we talking about? In her conversation with Chris Osmond, Adria also stated, “It was really hard for me and now she’s (Simone) like, ‘I want to have babies’ and I’m like, ‘Ughhhh, Oh now I’m gonna have to compete with somebody else’. I’m like, ‘Please just hold off on having babies’.”

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Adria Biles furious over Simone's first meet with Jonathan Owens—Is sibling rivalry at play here?

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The tight-knit bond between Adria and Simone has deep roots. They spent a few years in foster care during their childhood and they had no one but each other to cling to. The fear of being taken away from foster care by strangers left a lasting impact on both sisters. And while they were fortunate to stay together, Simone naturally took on a more protective, motherly role over her baby sister.

Simone Biles was like a mother to Adria Biles 

In the third episode of her documentary ‘Simone vs. Herself’, Simone Biles opened up about her life and the special bond she shares with her younger sister, Adria. Simone revealed that she has always had motherly instincts towards Adria. “I wanted to take care of Adria, obviously, ’cause she was the baby. And I just felt like I needed to look out for her because if the family doesn’t look out for you, then who is going to?”

Their mom, Nellie Biles, also chimed in, emphasizing how Simone has always been nurturing towards Adria. She noted that the sisters’ strong bond of love and compassion remains unbroken.

Adria, on the other hand, recalled their childhood with a mix of affection and frustration, mentioning how she found Simone ‘too bossy’ at times. But she quickly pointed out that Simone’s bossiness was just her way of trying to protect her. Additionally, Adria believes the same attitude helped Simone reach the heights one could only imagine.


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When Simone Biles bagged a gold medal in the individual and team all-around competitions at the 2024 Paris Olympics, Adria wrote on her Instagram story, “Shut the eff up I have the coolest big sisterrrrrr … What a freaking boss babe!! ILYSF.”

These anecdotes highlight the deep and enduring connection between the Biles sisters, shaped by love, protection, and a shared history that only brought them closer. Reflecting on this, what do you think of Adria’s previous jealousy towards Jonathan Owens compared to their relationship as brother and sister-in-law today? Share in the comments below!


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Before you go, don’t forget to check out what one of America’s most talented volleyball players, Maddisen Skinner’s coach, reveals about his star student! EssentiallySports brings you this exclusive scoop in this week’s Think Tank episode.