
Mykayla Skinner, the esteemed gymnast and silver medalist at the Tokyo Olympics, has recently sparked debate. Despite her remarkable achievements, her involvement in debates escalated after she became a mother. However, in January, she initiated a conversation regarding the transition to two-pass routines in NCAA women’s gymnastics. She voiced concerns about how this shift might affect the thrill and audience engagement. She contrasted it with the more traditional three-pass routines.

Nevertheless, her attention now shifted to another contentious issue: the NCAA’s extension of eligibility for college athletes affected by the pandemic. While this decision seeks to promote fairness and adaptability, it has sparked debates about equity and fairness among athletes navigating its consequences. However, fans have also voiced their opinions on this matter.

Mykayla Skinner challenges equity


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The NCAA’s eligibility extension rule was prompted by COVID-19 disruptions in 2020. It gave college athletes an additional year of competition. This extension didn’t impact their eligibility status. The measure aimed to offer fairness and flexibility. It was for athletes whose seasons were marred by the pandemic’s effects. However, Mykayla Skinner recently sparked a discussion on this topic. She shared a post X platform. Skinner posed a thought-provoking question. It concerned the prolonged eligibility granted to college athletes. This was in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mykayla’s contemplation resonated with many as she queried, “Okay hear me out. I’ve been thinking about this and wanna know what you think… College athletes that got an extra year to compete because of Covid have been breaking records. But is that really fair? All the other athletes only got 4 years. Will these records ever break?” This statement of Mykayla Skinner prompted a flurry of responses as soon as it was shared, with people expressing their viewpoints, which struck a chord with many.

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Voices in the arena

Among the myriad of fans weighing in on the matter, several shared their perspectives, reflecting a diverse array of opinions. One fan articulated a balanced viewpoint, stating, “I can understand the arguments on both sides.

Another fan advocated for a nuanced approach to recognizing achievements.

A third fan, representing a different perspective, emphasized the contentious nature of the topic.


In concurrence with the sentiment of acknowledging the unique circumstances, another fan advocated for symbolic recognition.


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In alignment with this sentiment, yet another fan echoed, “Give them an asterisk.”


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The range of opinions voiced by fans underscores the complexity of the issue surrounding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on athletic records. This issue resonates deeply with sports enthusiasts, underscoring the need for continued discussion and careful consideration as we navigate the complexities of this unprecedented time in sports history.

Read More: “Gone Into Deep Dep*ession”: Gymnastics Sensation Mykayla Skinner Breaks Silence on Mental-Health Struggles for New Mothers’ in Post-Partum