
While a love for horse riding can give the greatest pleasure, it can also become one’s worst nightmare. A nightmare was exactly what equestrian coach Kevin Babington faced after falling from his horse Shorapur in 2019 at the Hampton Classic. Experiencing paralysis from the chest due to the fall, Babington then refused to give up. Teaching while sitting in a wheelchair, Babington tried to keep himself busy while taking medical treatment. His efforts to get healed have borne fruit finally since he found a new ray of hope to heal himself fully. A news article by The New York Times disclosed all these details of this ray of hope and why Babington could become the ‘miracle patient.’

With this, the 2021 article also shared Babington’s positive attitude despite his struggles. Displaying his sense of humor while talking about his home’s renovation, Babington indicated how his setback had not broken his spirit. He also opened up about coping with stress.

Equestrian lover Babington’s inspiring and unforgettable story that inspired millions


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The horse riding coach related that he could maybe get the workers “focus on the exit first.”  Continuing, Babington laughed and explained, “So that way, I can run away and get a bit of my independence back. It seems that Babington is referring to the exit of his house in Loxahatchee in Florida. His witty comment indicates his efforts to find humor in this difficult situation also.

Further, The New York Times reported how Babington found his ray of hope in a clinical trial at the Mayo Clinic situated in the city of Rochester in Minnesota. Hinting at his impatience to participate in this trial, Babington admitted, “It’s something to look forward to.”  

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Afterwards, he spoke, “I’ve always tried to take things in stride, and I think I’ve handled the stress well.” Babington’s attempts to try and control his wheelchair’s movement and use a standing frame to improve his posture despite the pain show Babington’s faith in his recovery.

Later, he also expressed that he felt strong. Adding to this, he stated, “I have so much to be thankful for.”Babington was not the only horse rider who was injured from falling from the horse. Another rider named Sarah Washington once experienced a deadly fall of a horse. Here is a glimpse of the terrible incident and how she overcame the jaws of death.

Equestrian lover Sarah Washington’s dangerous encounter and unbelievable recovery


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This incident took place in 2020 close to Strentham in the U.K. When Washington got down from the horse for opening a gate, her foot was still linked to the stirrup. At this moment, unexpectedly, the horse bolted and started galloping into the woods. This caused Washington, who had fallen off, to be dragged with the horse. During this tough time, a friend luckily rang for emergency services and Washington was later admitted to the Royal Stoke University hospital. Washington’s head had been injured due to this incident, leading to 21 days of coma.

Later, she was moved to Haywood Hospital where she took physiotherapy to recover completely. After the incident, she met and thanked Tom Waters and the team of paramedics who helped to save her life on the day of the accident. At present, she has completely recovered and still follows her horse riding passion.


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Watch This Story: “People Don’t Realize”: Equestrian Brianna Noble Sheds Light on Bay Area’s Horse Culture 

Babington’s and Washington’s stories indicate how there is always a silver lining in the darkest phases of one’s life.  How are you inspired by Babinngton and Washington’s stories? Share your views in the comments section.