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Bildnummer: 56029680 Datum: 07.08.2004 Copyright: imago/blickwinkel vollblutaraber (equus przewalskii f. caballus), mädchen auf galoppierendem pferd ohne sattel und zaumzeug pure-bred arab horse (equus przewalskii f. caballus), riding girl without saddle blws007554 kbdig 2004 quer tier tiere säugetier säugetiere huftiere unpaarhufer pferd pferde animal animals mammal mammals odd-töd ungulates perissodactyls domestic horse domestic horses mensch menschen person model released symbolfoto personen leute frau fraün reiterin reiterinnen reiten riding human being man woman women equestriennes horsewoman horsewomen bewegung dynamik action dynamisch movement movements motion motions dynamic mädchen girl girls hochformat panel format high size huftier pferderasse pferderassen vollblut vollblutpferd vollblutpferde vollblüter mensch mit tier menschen mit tieren mensch und tier menschen und tiere freizeit aussen freizeitreiten schimmel (pferd) gangart gangarten laufen laufend im lauf galoppieren galoppierend galopp spass seitenansicht von der seite querformat wehend mähne mähnen breed of horse horse breed thoroughbred thoroughbreds with animals and animals leisure outdoor rider white horse white horses pace paces gait gaits galloping running gallop fun side view lateral vertical format horizontal format blowing mane manes 56029680 Date 07 08 2004 Copyright Imago Angle Full-blooded Arabs Equus przewalskii F caballus Girl on galoppierendem Horse without Saddle and Harnesses Pure Bred Arab Horse Equus przewalskii F caballus Riding Girl without SADDLE Kbdig 2004 horizontal Animal Animals Mammal Mammals Hoofed animals Unpaarhufer Horse Horses Animal Animals Mammal mammals Odd fatal ungulates Perissodactyls Domestic Horse Domestic Horses Man People Person Model released Symbolic image People People Woman Women Horsewoman Riders riding Riding Human Being Man Woman Women horse woman Equestrienne horse women Movement Dynamics Action dynamic Movement Movements Motion Motions Dynamic Girl Girl Girls Portrait Panel Format High Size Huftier Horse race Horse races Full blood Thoroughbred horse Thoroughbred horses Thoroughbreds Man with Animal People with Animals Man and Animal People and Animals Leisure exterior Leisure riding Mold Horse gaits gangart run continuously in Run Galoppieren galoppierend Gallop Fun Side view from the Side Landscape wehend Mane Manes Breed of Horse Horse Breed Thoroughbreds With Animals and Animals Leisure Outdoor Rider White Horse White Horses Pace Paces Gait gaits Gallo ping RUNNING Gallop Fun Side View Lateral Vertical Format horizontally Format blowing Mane Manes

via Imago
Bildnummer: 56029680 Datum: 07.08.2004 Copyright: imago/blickwinkel vollblutaraber (equus przewalskii f. caballus), mädchen auf galoppierendem pferd ohne sattel und zaumzeug pure-bred arab horse (equus przewalskii f. caballus), riding girl without saddle blws007554 kbdig 2004 quer tier tiere säugetier säugetiere huftiere unpaarhufer pferd pferde animal animals mammal mammals odd-töd ungulates perissodactyls domestic horse domestic horses mensch menschen person model released symbolfoto personen leute frau fraün reiterin reiterinnen reiten riding human being man woman women equestriennes horsewoman horsewomen bewegung dynamik action dynamisch movement movements motion motions dynamic mädchen girl girls hochformat panel format high size huftier pferderasse pferderassen vollblut vollblutpferd vollblutpferde vollblüter mensch mit tier menschen mit tieren mensch und tier menschen und tiere freizeit aussen freizeitreiten schimmel (pferd) gangart gangarten laufen laufend im lauf galoppieren galoppierend galopp spass seitenansicht von der seite querformat wehend mähne mähnen breed of horse horse breed thoroughbred thoroughbreds with animals and animals leisure outdoor rider white horse white horses pace paces gait gaits galloping running gallop fun side view lateral vertical format horizontal format blowing mane manes 56029680 Date 07 08 2004 Copyright Imago Angle Full-blooded Arabs Equus przewalskii F caballus Girl on galoppierendem Horse without Saddle and Harnesses Pure Bred Arab Horse Equus przewalskii F caballus Riding Girl without SADDLE Kbdig 2004 horizontal Animal Animals Mammal Mammals Hoofed animals Unpaarhufer Horse Horses Animal Animals Mammal mammals Odd fatal ungulates Perissodactyls Domestic Horse Domestic Horses Man People Person Model released Symbolic image People People Woman Women Horsewoman Riders riding Riding Human Being Man Woman Women horse woman Equestrienne horse women Movement Dynamics Action dynamic Movement Movements Motion Motions Dynamic Girl Girl Girls Portrait Panel Format High Size Huftier Horse race Horse races Full blood Thoroughbred horse Thoroughbred horses Thoroughbreds Man with Animal People with Animals Man and Animal People and Animals Leisure exterior Leisure riding Mold Horse gaits gangart run continuously in Run Galoppieren galoppierend Gallop Fun Side view from the Side Landscape wehend Mane Manes Breed of Horse Horse Breed Thoroughbreds With Animals and Animals Leisure Outdoor Rider White Horse White Horses Pace Paces Gait gaits Gallo ping RUNNING Gallop Fun Side View Lateral Vertical Format horizontally Format blowing Mane Manes
Giving up on her favorite horse was something out of the question for Katie Brickman. 9 years ago, Brickman with her hand in a cast, landed the then 4-year-old Flash who had injured himself while on the field. But the Equestrian from Welburn was determined to help Flash so that he could recover from that fatal injury. Like destiny meeting their match, the duo struck a bond that has endured and overcome several obstacles.
Brickman’s faith was rewarded when the rider-horse duo ended up being selected for the elite Badminton Horse Trials Grassroots Championship. Flash and Katie Brickman would participate in the BE100 classes next month.
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The Disastrous 2017 for Katie Brickman and Flash
2017 was not a lucky year for Brickman and Flash but they kept moving forward on the road of recovery. “ It was not a good year!” she told Horse and Hound. She flipped over a glass bottle while at work which pierced into her left hand and shattered. The injury left her hand’s artery and tendons damaged and required an 8-hour-long surgery.
This left her hand immobilized for weeks. At the same time, she visited Flash, a quirky horse, and found out, he injured himself. “I went to see him, me in my cast and him pretty much on three legs,” she recalls the incident with Horse and Hound.
A subsequent scan diagnosed Flash with a middle patella ligament rupture in his left stifle joint which is one of the rarest and fatal injuries. But losing hope was not an option for Brickman though her vet friend proposed to euthanize her dearest horse. She confessed, “ But I absolutely adore that horse – you love them all but he’s so special – that I wanted to try.”
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Recovery and success ensued for horse and Rider
Brickman arranged for PRP cell therapy for Flash while undergoing another surgery and physiotherapy for her own injury. “It was stressful”, she recalls. She would accompany Flash in the stable as they spent long hours together. And fortunately, both recovered from their respective injuries. The duo went on to win an astonishing 3 BE80(T) events apart from the BE90 event.

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THEMENBILD – eine junge Reiterin mit ihrem Islandpferd bei einer Reitpruefung am Reiterhof Burghauser, aufgenommen am 31. August 2018 in Strasswalchen, Oesterreich // a young girl with her Icelandic horse during a riding test at the Reiterhof Burghauser, Strasswalchen, Austria on 2018/08/31. Straaewalchen *** THEME PICTURE a young rider with her Icelandic horse during a riding test at the Reiterhof Burghauser taken on 31 August 2018 in Strasswalchen Austria a young girl with her Icelandic horse during a riding test at the Reiterhof Burghauser Strasswalchen Austria on 2018 08 31 Straaewalchen PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUT EX_FEI
“He Came back”, she said delightedly. Expressing her emotions after a ride together with Flash, Brickman said, “I didn’t care how we did, it was that feeling of being back out with him. I’d missed it for so long, I was buzzing, and I just cried the whole time. There’s nothing quite like it, and he loved it too.” And qualifying for Badminton was something beyond Brickman’s expectations. Through her story, she wants to instill hope into fellow Equestrians who are undergoing difficulties due to equine injuries. Isn’t her story inspiring, reflecting the strength of faith?
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Watch the story here: Unexpected virus kills a horse leaving Equestrian world in shock