
Three-time Mr.Olympia Frank Zane is a bodybuilding idol to many across the globe. Zane’s entrance into the industry changed many traditional notions related to workouts, supplements, and diet. The retired bodybuilder had no one to guide him when he began. Not even his parents.

Frank Zane has created a brand out of himself today. He directs people to train with effective exercises and follow great eating habits. But initially, when Frank began bodybuilding, he had zero support from his own folks. In fact, Zane’s father suggested he build his body differently.

Frank Zane shared his father’s attitude seeing him building his body


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Frank Zane began bodybuilding when he was just 14 years old. At a young age, he achieved a considerably decent bodybuilding physique by weightlifting. Frank was good in his studies and achieved a B.Sc degree. Naturally, when he told his parents about pursuing bodybuilding as a career, while Zane’s mother supported him, his father’s reaction was far away from that.

In fact, he recollects what his father said about his bodybuilding technique. Zane says, “My father used to get angry at me whenever I would train. He told me, “build yourself up by cutting grass” Eventually, my parents’ attitude towards bodybuilding changed when they saw my dedication.”

These angry interactions instigated Zane to work on his body with loads of dedication and passion. On the other hand, his relationship with his father became estranged because he did not understand the young bodybuilder’s vision. However, at last, like every parent, when Zane’s father saw his dedication to bodybuilding, he began supporting him. He was in high school when he began weight training and continued for three years. Gradually, he grew from 130 pounds at age 14 to 160 pounds at age 17.

Read More: “If I Had Physique Like Yours, I’d Walk With My Shirt Off All the Time”: Words That Helped Frank Zane Believe He Can Be a Bodybuilding Legend, Interview 2019


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What happened when Zane’s father began supporting him?

Things changed for the better when Zane’s father began supporting him. The retired bodybuilder once shared that when Zane became famous, he would carry a picture of him in his wallet and show it to people. That’s also how Zane came to know about his father’s support.


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It’s quite endearing to learn about the gradual turn of events that took place between Zane and his father. It inspires more people to keep working towards their goals without the fear of losing out on loved ones.