
What do you think of an opportunity to ask Simone Biles, the gymnastics legend, a question? Well, during the 2016 Rio Olympics, a unique initiative to connect The Final Five gymnastics athletes and sports fans went viral on social media. All it took was a hashtag.

The 2016 Rio Olympics saw Simone Biles, the gymnastics star ascend to international stardom. Besides Simone, Team USA’s Final Five dominated the competition. They won gold in the team all-around event. Fair to say, they became one of America’s favorite teams, as witnessed by the thunderous response on social media joined by celebrities as well with the #AskFinalFive. Former wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson too asked a question that received interesting answers from the team.


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The Rock pops the question to Simone Biles and Team

The Team USA’s Final Five included Simone Biles, Laurie Hernandez, Madison Kocian, Gabby Douglas, and Aly Raisman. Dwayne’s tweet began by calling himself ‘The Cookie Monster’ conveying that cookies are his go-to cheat meal when not competing. The tweet read, “What’s the FIRST thing you can’t wait to do when you get home? #AskFinalFive”

It received honest replies from the team. Seated on a sofa, one after the other gave their responses in a video. They then shared it on Team USA’s Twitter handle. Laurie said, “I can’t wait to come home and watch a lot of Netflix.

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Followed by Aly, who said, “I can’t wait to do nothing and see my puppies.” Madison went next. She said, “I can’t wait to see my family and friends”. The last one to respond was Simone. Casually, with a tired face, she said, “I can’t wait to eat more,” to which they all laughed.


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Some more questions from #AskFinalFive

Social media served as a great channel to keep connected with the masses. They were also constantly updated with the events and happenings. The hashtag received great responses ranging from silly to serious. Ask the teammates to perform to their favorite song, how close they’ve become in this journey, and what’s next for the team post-Olympics. There were also a bunch of marriage proposals, including a prom proposal.


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Besides Dwayne, other celebrity fans who asked questions include Rascal Flatts, Reese Witherspoon, First Lady Michelle Obama, and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

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