
Chinese-American martial arts exponent Bruce Lee (1940 – 1973), in a still from the film ‘Enter The Dragon’, directed by Robert Crouse for Warner Brothers, 1973. (Photo by Fotos International/Archive Photos/Getty Images)

Chinese-American martial arts exponent Bruce Lee (1940 – 1973), in a still from the film ‘Enter The Dragon’, directed by Robert Crouse for Warner Brothers, 1973. (Photo by Fotos International/Archive Photos/Getty Images)

No one is born a legend. You become one over the course of time. Likewise, martial arts icon, Bruce Lee was guided by his traditional master, Yip Man. He was a Cantonese martial artist who resided in Hong Kong throughout his life. Notably, he earned the title of grandmaster in the Wing Chun discipline at just 20 years old. Hence, Lee sought his teachings and expertise to master the same.

In a recent Instagram post by the icon’s official handle, a rare picture of Yip Man and his internationally famous pupil, Lee, resurfaced on the platform. It has kindled a burst of excitement amongst the fans, who are reacting to it with a range of comments. 

Fans react to Bruce Lee and Yip Man’s picture


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As per the social media update, a black and white picture from the Little Phoenix’s younger days, standing beside his Wing Chun master, Yip Man was featured. Captioned as, “Bruce and Yip Man,” the image grabbed the fans’ attention leading to a plethora of reactions from them, applauding the duo with high regard. Here are some of them:

“IP MAN AND BRUCE LEE the Legendary Sifu”

“Two Number one Legend”

“Gratitude and Surrender!!”


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“The king maker and The king”

“The master and the student, or the master and the master.. the legends of martial arts”

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The comments section remained undivided on their love for the heroic master and pupil. However, the actor was once fed up with a particular aspect of Yip Man’s teachings that almost encouraged him to quit his training. 

Bruce Lee criticized his mater’s way of teaching


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As per sources, Lee was once constantly asked by his master to perform the ‘horse’ stance in every training he attended. Utterly disappointed with the case, he reached out to his father to request changes to the method. However, Lee’s father wasn’t up for it due to Yip Man’s high esteem in society. Apparently, Lee was bored with the stance and demanded to learn something new. “Can you ask Master Yip to teach me something useful? I don’t want to waste my time. Vacation is already over. I want to learn it. I just don’t want to waste my time,” he said to his father. 

Nonetheless, he went back to training and once again was urged to do the same posture. Thus, expressing his anguish to his dance partner, he said, “I’m p*ssed off. About Master Yip. Ever since he became my teacher, he’s only let me do Horse Stance and lift poles.”


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Soon, the martial arts icon came to grasp the whole idea behind his master’s effort. It was to crystallize his basic understanding of the discipline. Fast forward to the present, he is hailed as the legendary martial artist everyone bows down to. Do you know any more of such instances between the duo? Let us know in the comments.