
USA Today via Reuters

USA Today via Reuters

The lockout in Major League Baseball does not seem to end anytime soon. With the complications between the MLB Players’ Association and the owners rising with each passing day, the chances of a restart seem bleak as of now. Notably, veteran pitcher Max Scherzer recently spoke openly about the demands of the players from MLB. 

It’s already been over two months since the owners imposed a lockout after the Collective Bargaining Agreement between players and owners expired. And the two parties are yet to agree on the new CBA deal. Both the owners and players are clear about their demands. And the MLB Players’ Association is not moving an inch from their stand. 

Max Scherzer on players’ demand from MLB


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USA Today via Reuters

Even after having a couple of meetings earlier this week, MLB did not offer a new deal pertaining to the players’ demands. Instead, the owners requested the players’ association to include a federal mediator for any further proposals.

This hit the MLBPA hard and players were disappointed by this treatment from the league. Hence, the New York Mets pitcher, Max Scherzer, came ahead and spoke about the actual demands of the players.

The Mets pitcher expressed that the players do not want any mediation, as what the MLBA is offering is fair for both sides. Scherzer demanded a system that allows younger players to realize their market value.

“We want a system where threshold and penalties don’t function as caps, allows younger players to realize more of their market value, makes service time manipulation a thing of the past, and eliminate tanking as a winning strategy. We don’t need mediation because what we are offering to MLB is fair for both sides,” said the Mets star Max Scherzer.

The MLBPA also released their statement when the owners refused to make any counter offers. The statement said that the clearest path to a fair and timely agreement is to get back to the table.


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Notably, Scherzer’s interference was necessary for the players’ association, considering he is also an executive subcommittee member of the MLBPA.

Do you agree with Max’s thoughts about this entire feud?