via Imago
Bildnummer: 55186386 Datum: 06.10.1988 Copyright: imago/EntertainmentPictures 1988 – Police Story 2 – Movie Set Oct 06, 1988; Hong Kong, CHINA; Actor JACKIE CHAN wrote, directs and stars as Chan Ka Kui in the Golden Way Films Ltd. action thriller, Police Story 2. !ACHTUNG NUTZUNG NUR BEI FILMTITEL-NENNUNG! PUBLICATIONxINxGERxONLY People Entertainment Film kbdig 1988 quer Bildnummer 55186386 Date 06 10 1988 Copyright Imago EntertainmentPictures 1988 Police Story 2 Movie Set OCT 06 1988 Hong Kong China Actor Jackie Chan wrote Direct and Stars As Chan Ka Kui in The Golden Way Films Ltd Action Thriller Police Story 2 Regard Use only at FILMTITEL ANSWER PUBLICATIONxINxGERxONLY Celebrities Entertainment Film Kbdig 1988 horizontal

via Imago
Bildnummer: 55186386 Datum: 06.10.1988 Copyright: imago/EntertainmentPictures 1988 – Police Story 2 – Movie Set Oct 06, 1988; Hong Kong, CHINA; Actor JACKIE CHAN wrote, directs and stars as Chan Ka Kui in the Golden Way Films Ltd. action thriller, Police Story 2. !ACHTUNG NUTZUNG NUR BEI FILMTITEL-NENNUNG! PUBLICATIONxINxGERxONLY People Entertainment Film kbdig 1988 quer Bildnummer 55186386 Date 06 10 1988 Copyright Imago EntertainmentPictures 1988 Police Story 2 Movie Set OCT 06 1988 Hong Kong China Actor Jackie Chan wrote Direct and Stars As Chan Ka Kui in The Golden Way Films Ltd Action Thriller Police Story 2 Regard Use only at FILMTITEL ANSWER PUBLICATIONxINxGERxONLY Celebrities Entertainment Film Kbdig 1988 horizontal
Jackie Chan is a household name, famous for his astonishing stunts, and for popularizing the use of martial arts in movies. Besides giving him dedicated recognition, martial arts almost took his life once. While shooting for a movie in 1986, Chan met with a terrible accident where he broke the bones of his head.
Since the martial artist preferred to perform his own stunts, he often had to accept the dire consequences that came along with it. Breaking his nose, ankle, teeth, and other body parts became common for the actor. However, when he hit a rock and broke the skull, it shook his entire crew. Moreover, one of his peers broke into tears while informing him about the catastrophe.
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Jackie Chan and his near-death experience on set
Through his autobiography, Never Grow Up, Chan has opened a door for his fans to take a peek at his life. The actor revealed how he once got bitterly injured while shooting for Armour of God. The location was Yugoslavia where he fell from a tree and hit his head. Blood was gushing out from his ears while he was taken to the hospital. As soon as the doctors inspected him, they knew things were out of their hands. Failing to comprehend the medical team’s words, and being shaken by the incident, Chan looked for someone who would explain everything to him.

Just then, the fight director of the movie, Fung Hark-On, who was reduced to tears, appeared on the scene and informed, “Jackie, a bit of bone broke off in your head. You need surgery to get that fragment out,” Hark-On continued, “They need to put in a whatever-you-call-it, which they?ll take out again in a few years.”? The martial art icon had to go through an operation to put a plate inside his head.
Notably, he was filming a chasing scene where Chan had to scale a tree to defy the rogues. The actor nailed it in one take but felt he could do better, so insisted on a second take. As he jumped to grab the branch, the tree snapped, and he lost control. Chan was “plummeting” until he hit a rock and lost consciousness for a while. Little did the comedy actor understand that this will become one of the most severe injuries of his life.
Chan’s countless injuries
Chan is indeed a real-life superhero with a mind-boggling healing power. There’s no better way to define his numerous injuries along with subsequent recoveries. While doing Drunken Master, the veteran actor almost lost one eye to a kick. He misjudged the kick, and that eventually injured the area around his eye socket, leaving a mark forever.
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Apart from that, he broke his ankle in 1995 and while doing Police Story 2, the icon mistook safety glasses for real glasses and made a jump through the window. The consequent scores of injuries were severe, with multiple deep cuts across his neck, hands, arms, and face.
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Watch This Story – ??Bodybuilding Legend Arnold Schwarzeneggers Built Compared To Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan
Though he faced many horrifying injuries in his career, nothing could break Chan’s indomitable spirit. In fact, his endurance had startled many and led them to think about him as a marvel superhero with healing power like Wolverine.