It is no secret that Jackie Chan has suffered innumerable injuries throughout his career. A career spanning more than four decades saw him don uncountable action hero roles, where everything had to be done on set; there was no CGI. Thus leading to a slew of injuries that Chan had to overcome over the years. An injury that sticks out from the rest, quite literally, was, as Chan attributes, due to a mistake he made on a film set. His godfather was the first to point it out.
Jackie Chan was shooting for the movie ‘Armour of God’ which was released in 1986. At age 32, he directed and starred in it. While Chan clearly did his own stunts, he was also ready to brave any injury that came along the way. But in this case, after falling from a tree and hitting a rock near the base of it, Chan felt the severity of this accident. It left him with “a small depression”, which Leonard Ho, Chan’s godfather, claims he could’ve avoided with a simple trick.
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Jackie Chan and his head dent is a result of a ghastly injury
“I have a small depression in my head to this day, a spongy spot with no bone beneath. In one ear, high-pitched sounds hurt and low ones are inaudible. Souvenirs of the accident”, wrote Chan in his autobiography ‘Never Grow Up: With Zhu Mo’. The autobiography was released in 2015 and details the extraordinary life of the action legend. It came with the subtitle, ‘Getting Old Before Growing Up’.

In it, Chan describes how during the shoot, he had to leap up a tree while being chased by a group of guys. After a branch broke off, Chan fell and suffered his injury. A massive swelling and heaps of blood loss later, Chan was operated under. After his operation was successful, he found out about the huge dent in his head. Chan mentions in the book, that while this may be a separate story, his godfather Leonard Ho chalks it up to Chan’s shorter hair. Ho believed that since Chan had shorter hair, he suffered that ordeal, and thus forbade him from ever doing it again.
While Chan, who would go on to have a metal plate in his head from another injury during the shoot of its sequel ‘Armour God II’, didn’t particularly agree with his godfather. But there was very little he could do or say to question him. Out of deep respect for him, Chan never cut his hair again for at least 10 years.
Jackie Chan never really stopped after that
Interestingly for Chan, Leonard Ho also laid down another law for him to follow. “Jackie Chan can?t play people who die”, said Ho as mentioned in the book. This knocked away any chance of him playing Xiang Yu, a warlord during the Qin Dynasty. Chan respected him enough to follow both his conditions. However, offers never dried up for the star, and neither did he stop taking risks with his own stunt scenes.
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The martial arts legend, at 57 years of age, is still making movies with passion and is all set to star in two movies this year – Ride On and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem. Maybe the depression is just a funny reminder to him about the kind of daredevil life he has lived. Or maybe he’s just proud of it. With Chan, one never knows.