Jackie Chan is one of those who lives by principles and is regarded as a model of self-control and fortitude. Chan experienced an extremely rigid upbringing as an Asian child. Consequently, he wished to pass on his customs to his offspring. However, his kid found it difficult to tolerate his teaching style. In his memoirs, the martial artist discussed incidents in which he lost his temper. He eventually made a bad mistake that he later came to regret since he could not bear the unexpected conduct he was receiving from his son.
Chan’s son, Jaycee Chan, tried to fight him once. Let’s dig deeper to know more about it.
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Jackie Chan’s son once kicked him
The?Vanguard?actor revealed his life through every chapter of his autobiography,?Never Grow Up. He talked about a day when he had a stalemate argument with his wife, Joan. Chan was at his home when they fought over something with his wife. And his son, who grew up distant from his father, thought it to be a prime time to save his mother. Jaycee, reportedly, tried to playfully shoot his father. As Chan wrote,?”Jaycee ran in, his hands pointed at me like guns, shouting ?Bang! Bang!? like he was shooting me to avenge his mother”.?Furthermore, he added,?“Then he snatched the keys out of my hand and threw them on the floor. When I bent down to pick them up, he kicked my hand away! I was furious.”

Consequently, he couldn’t hold his anger and did something wrong. As he wrote,?”I picked him up with one hand and flung him across the room, and he crashed into the sofa.”?Devastated by his own action, Chan could not believe what he did. Thankfully,?he threw him over the sofa?and not the wooden handles, which could harm him seriously. Joan and Jaycee both were terrified by this incident. As Joan convinced his son to apologize to his father, her son refused, but eventually did it. Jackie was also on the brink of his confidence and promised that he would never do something like that. He penned,?“I take my promises seriously, and I?m a man of my word. I never threw him again or hit him.”
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Everything took place in the heat of the moment. While his parents were battling, Jaycee might have felt unsafe. Chan expressed his wish to always be by his son’s side anytime he needed him, even if this act severed their father-son relationship for the rest of their lives. Chan has always envisioned his son growing up in a whole-person manner. Being an Asian father, Jackie believed that Jaycee needed to respect authority figures, appreciate the time, and, most importantly, emulate his father’s discipline.
Read More – ?Bang, Bang, Bang!?: Jackie Chan?s Son Once Tried to Spoil the Martial Arts Legend?s Antique Possession
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Eventually, as the story depicts, Chan went through a difficult phase of his fatherhood initially, but things gradually changed for good.
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