
Seeing your favorite athletes pose with the medals is always a delight. But the road to that success is not as easy as it appears. Simone Biles was 16 when she won her first gold at the World Championship. From a young age, she had proven to the world that her skills were not ordinary. She eventually established herself as the gymnastics GOAT with hard work and dedication.

But her achievements on the vault do not take away her wish to lead a regular life. She may be the nation’s pride, but she is very much a regular person at the end of the day. It was her urge to lead a more routine life that put her in a dilemma.


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Simone’s brother helped her get more clarity 

The gymnast may perform the tricks in a few seconds, but perfecting the moves requires years of practice and dedication. For Simone, the options were two: either opt for regular education or pursue gymnastics more passionately. The choice was difficult for the young girl.

This was when she came across a middle path that made her realize, “at least I wouldn’t have to give up all my dreams.” Simone’s dad and her family were aware of her desire to compete with the top gymnastics team. That was instrumental for her in securing a place on the National team. Simone was torn in a dilemma about what to do.

Read More: “Don’t Need Anything From You”: Simone Biles’ Brother Detached Her From Family’s Responsibility, Helping Her Make a Huge Career Decision Back in the Early Days

This was when her brother Adam came to her rescue. He aided her in getting back her sense of humor, the details of which she wrote in her book Courage to Soar. She writes that Adam said, “If you decide to homeschool, you’ll be at the top of your class.” He paused and continued, “But you’ll also be at the bottom of your class.” The siblings eventually ended up laughing.


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Simone Biles got a new perspective 

Simone eventually realized that if she opted for homeschooling, she could still meet her friends from public school and pursue her gymnastics aspirations. She also took note of the fact that most girls in elite gymnastics were already being homeschooled. This new perspective made Simone feel better.

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Her final push to take up the decision came from her father. Ronald reminded Simone, “never squander what God has given you.” Simone realized that the almighty had given her the power to pursue gymnastics more powerfully. She also recognized her love and passion for competing. She refused to waste that opportunity and worked hard to reach the glory that she now enjoys.


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