
The world of sports imposes several rules and regulations on players to increase the level of challenge. However, some rules exist to limit the challenge and ensure the safety of the player. One such rule in effect in Gymnastics is the banning of certain moves. Fish hooks and eye gouges are banned in MMA to protect fighters from permanently hurting one another.

However, the world of gymnastics has banned one move to prevent players from hurting themselves. This infamous move is none other than the death loop. However, the planet is always filled with daring individuals. One of those passionate individuals recently executed the death loop and sent a chilling sensation all over social media.

The gymnastics move that got banned in 1972


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The dead loop wasn?t originally called the dead loop. In fact, it was named the Korbut Flip after its inventor, Olga Korbut. The Belarussian gymnastics legend had performed this move in the 1972 Olympics held in Munich. While this move met with a lot of cheers, the gymnastics community also viewed it with a lot of fear.

It is a technique executed by Korbut on uneven bars, however, it is ridiculously fast. Moreover, it far exceeds the usual limits of risk for a stunt. While this excellent move yielded Korbut the gold medal, it was also the day her invention was buried.

The high amount of risk and its potential to permanently injure or disable someone earned it the monicker, dead loop. While the move is banned to this day at higher-level competitions, the underground is not defined by any rules.?

For a gymnastics enthusiast, the rules and regulations apply only on the official mat. These lines are not trying to glorify the act of performing a life-threatening stunt. In fact, the performer of this move also warned all her followers to strictly not try it. Gymnastics enthusiast Sophie Campana recently satisfied her itch of finally executing the Korbut flip or the dead loop.

However, before pursuing her reckless endeavor, Campana ensured foolproof safety measures and received the help of a qualified expert. Fans marveled at the courage shown by the enthusiast and her eventual success. However, they also noted that she received constant help from her coach and fell several times before landing the move. While the dead loop is a banned move, there exists another move that is lethal but remains unbanned.


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The Produnova Vault

The Produnova Vault does not seem as visually appealing as the dead loop. In fact, if one watches a video of the vault, one would think that it is easily replicable. However, this notion is far from the truth. The Produnova vault is considered the hardest vault in the world of gymnastics. In fact, just like the Korbut flip, it is also called the death vault.?

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The Produnova vault is a difficulty level seven vault. Very few gymnasts have been able to pull it off successfully, including Russia?s Yelena Produnova who inspired its name. Most gymnastics stars prefer to stay away from it despite its high value in points. However, despite its potential to instantly snap necks and damage spines, the Produnova remains unbanned to this date.

WATCH STORY – “Unbelievable to Watch”: Millions Join Shaquille O’Neal in Awe of the Banned ‘Dead Loop’