
A successful career in sports showers a person with a lot of fame and fortune. However, it is not uncommon to see players quit sports and seek a new calling. Finding herself at similar crossroads, this Olympic gold medal-winning athlete decided to walk away from gymnastics.

Laurie Hernandez is a 23-year-old former gymnast who stormed the world at the 2016 Rio Olympics. While Hernandez had excellent flow and finesse to her form and motion. She decided to retire from gymnastics and continue her life as a student. However, in a recent interview, Hernandez went candid about a newfound passion of hers.

From Gymnastics to the entertainment industry


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Laurie Hernandez studies at the Tisch School of Art at New York University. She is a student of drama and recently completed her freshman year at the University. Hernandez?s decision to opt for drama as her major will not come as a surprise to her hardcore fans.

The former gymnastics sensation had captivated the world with her brilliant floor exercise performances. She displayed zero anxiety in front of the cameras at the tender age of 13-14. Hernandez recently spoke about her life at NYU and a newfound passion in an exclusive interview with Olympics.com.

Steering her ride onto a new road, Hernandez said that she had finally found something new. She said it was pretty hard to find something other than gymnastics, as it has defined most of her life. However, the Olympian said she would love to get into entertainment and show business.??Acting and just the world of entertainment is definitely on the horizon for me,? said Hernandez. Hernandez already has a firm grip on the industry. Laurie Hernandez is the youngest winner of the ?Dancing With The Stars show. She won the show at the young age of 16. However, this wasn?t the only fantastic feat she performed while she was 16.

Conquering Rio with grace


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Laurie Hernandez is an exceptionally talented gymnast. While she has bid goodbye to the sport, there was a time when the entire globe was talking about her. The young American entered the stage of the 2016 Rio Olympics and competed against some of the best gymnasts in the world. With her razor-sharp accuracy and flow, Hernandez bagged not one but two Olympic medals. While she won the gold medal in a team event, she was the second best amongst all other Olympians in the balance beam category. Despite this achievement, Hernandez did not get a straight A in her movement class.

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Hernandez reported that she got straight As in all of her subjects except movement. The Olympics wondered how a silver-medal-winning Olympian failed to get an A in movement. When asked about it, Hernandez said that she had no idea about it. However, she also said that the score later averaged out to an A. Hernandez was also asked about her experience at NYU.


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Hernandez said she was having a good time and was glad she was not receiving any extra attention because of her status as an Olympian. She reported that while everyone noticed her during the first week of college, people got used to seeing her after a week. She said she preferred things this way and would love to get attention again after making a successful career in the show biz.

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