
On the final day of the U.S. gymnastics championships, Simone Biles got the biggest cheer she needed to ace her routines! Alongside her in the stands stood her entire family, offering unwavering support. Despite encountering a minor misstep during her routine, specifically in executing the Biles II, Biles maintained precision in her landings and radiated authenticity with her smiles, effortlessly transitioning into her dance moves. Securing a score of 15.1, Biles showcased her resilience and skill on the grand stage. However, it seems no one loved Biles’s floor exercise more than her family, essentially Baby Biles.

The presence of Ronni Biles, affectionately known as Baby Biles, eagerly watching her aunt’s performance from the stands and cheering her alongside her grandmother, father, mother, and Jonathan Owens was admirable. Ronni’s special support and admiration for her aunt put forth the familial bond Biles has in gymnastics and within her family circle.



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However, even as Simone Biles’ mother was cheering for her and was moved to tears by her performance, Jonathan Owens was engrossed in calculating, perhaps tallying Biles’s floor points with the judges. Apart from this, this little one, who has been the center of Simone’s world since her arrival a year and seven months ago, is much like Simone Biles.

Following in the Footsteps of Simone Biles

Last month, Sammi Biles, Simone’s sister-in-law, shared an Instagram update. In a heartwarming moment, Ronni Biles, adorned in a special leotard gifted by Cecile Landi, made a delightful choice to indulge in gymnastics. Opting to watch her aunt Simone’s mesmerizing performance highlights from the US Classic on YouTube instead of an educational video, Ronni’s support and infectious enthusiasm were quite adorable.


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As the footage unfolded, Ronni couldn’t contain her excitement, expressing her adoration through enthusiastic claps and joyful jumps, painting a picture of familial pride and admiration that transcends the screen. In another story, Ronni gracefully wore the pink leotard, mirroring Simone’s exact choice of color for her gymnastics performance, hinting at a budding affinity for gymnastics in the youngest Biles family member. But this all began on May 8th.

On the momentous day of May 8, 2024, a new chapter in gymnastics history unfolded as Baby Biles took her inaugural steps at the World Champions Centre owned by Simone Biles’s parents. Clad in a sleek black leotard, Ronni stood as a testament to the next generation of excellence, proudly hailed by her aunt Simone Biles as “WCC’s newest elite team member.” This poignant moment not only marked Ronni’s debut in the competitive arena but also symbolized the passing of the torch within the esteemed Biles family. From her tentative first attempts on the rings to the triumphant moment of donning leotards meticulously crafted in homage to her illustrious aunt, Ronni’s journey epitomizes the profound bond of kinship and determination to uphold a legacy of excellence.