Fighting against numerous challenges, 18-year-old Hannah Louise proved that even disabled athletes can compete in gymnastics. Suffering from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome which leads to abnormally active joints, Louise didn’t give up. Training in acrobatic gymnastics three years ago, she secured victory in the NDP finals in the U.K.? In a recent interview with BBC, she opened up about her inspiring journey of competing in gymnastics.
Winning the Disability Acro Grade’s title thrice, Louise showed fans her tremendous grit and stamina. The Staffordshire gymnast admitted how due to her disease, she had to be content with being a national-level champion and couldn’t compete on international platforms. Describing how she tries to remain positive despite this challenge, the young gymnast spoke about how she enjoyed training in gymnastics. Here is a glimpse of Louise’s inspiring journey which moved thousands of fans.

Hannah Louise sheds light on her gymnastics journey

Expressing how she was tremendously happy to win the title for disabled acrobatics, she revealed how she couldn’t give her 100% due to her unstable health. Continuing, she stated, “I’ve been training pretty much three nights a week for the past few weeks to build up to this to make sure I’m at my best.” Hannah had participated in the Paris Disability Acro Grade event with Charlotte, a gymnastics prodigy who was 11 years old. Earlier, she had also taken part with a gymnast from Stafford named Izzy Sandy in the NPD finals.
She also revealed, “My joints are really loose and they dislocate very easily.” Further, she explained how her joints would also dislocate while training but she had accepted it. Her coach Lily Gibbons helped the gymnast utilize her full potential and perform her best in competitive events.
Afterward, she also said, “I hope that it opens people’s eyes that this sport is not just for able-bodied people.” This isn’t the only time an athlete with a disability has amazed fans with their tremendous strength. Earlier, a runner with more than 70% disability thrilled fans with his phenomenal performance in the Zurich Marato Barcelona Marathon.?

Tracks star makes headlines with his performance in the Zurich Marato Barcelona Marathon

An athlete named Alex Roca who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy successfully completed the? Zurich Marato Barcelona Marathon in 2023. Completing the marathon within 6 hours, the Spanish athlete was elated at his win.? Told by doctors that he couldn’t survive due to his complex health condition, Roca proved doctors and everyone who doubted him wrong.
In a conversation with the newsfeed El Mundo, he shared, ” The limit is up to you and if you want to achieve an objective, whatever difficulties you have, with attitude, willpower, perseverance and resilience, you can achieve everything you propose.” Participating in Garmin’s Titan’s desert race and more than four triathlons, Roco has shown fans how he loves to go out of his comfort zone.
The stories of Hannah Louise and Alex Roco are proof of how willpower and hard work can completely transform lives and make dreams come true. The contribution of both these personalities to sports will definitely play a huge role to reduce biases against disabled athletes.