
People look up to athletes, and some even idolize them. It poses a problem for the athletes as people deem them larger than life. In doing so, they tend to forget they are human beings too. And they have the same sets of emotions that other people do. Simone Biles faced a similar issue at the Tokyo Olympics.

The gymnast experienced difficulty knowing her position while in the air. In gymnastics, it is an accepted condition known as the twisties.


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Kevin Love showed his support for Simone Biles through a post

Biles withdrew from multiple events, including the team event, citing mental health concerns. However, the response she got from her fans was not positive. Following the announcement, the athlete faced a lot of backlashes. She received a majority of them through social media platforms.

People could not relate to the plight of the athlete. They placed her on a pedestal that was too high. In turn, it led to unrealistic expectations from the athlete. However, not everyone was unsympathetic to her predicament. Some showed compassion and related to the ordeals she was going through.

READ MORE- “Then Lose It and Blow It”: Millionaire Simone Biles’ Fiancé Reality Check on Athletes Sparked Her Fear of Going Broke

Many athletes supported her after they saw her relentlessly get trolled on social media. It included her teammates, who were more than understanding of her difficulties. However, one athlete had the best words of encouragement for the seven-time Olympic medalist.



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It was basketball player Kevin Love of the Cleveland Cavaliers. He shared a lengthy post on Instagram in support of Biles. He started with a question directed at the people who could not understand the predicament of the athlete.

Then he expressed how people rise above their vulnerabilities by sharing their “struggles.” Next, he wrote, “The mental freedom comes in knowing once you put yourself out there, the other side is a reward of community and belonging.

Extending his support for the two-time Olympian, Love wrote, “To Simone and others who have openly shared their story…You are helping many. Continue to lean into discomfort and vulnerability. Don’t deny your story — defy the ending.”

The basketball player’s experience with mental health issues


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Love has played a significant role in creating awareness regarding mental health since 2017. He led the conversation on various mental health topics. Moreover, the basketball star had come forward numerous times to address his mental health issues.

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In a previous interview, he spoke about his struggles and how he feared opening up about his bouts of depression and anxiety. Moreover, he could relate, in part, to Biles’ ordeals because he has been through similar issues in the past.


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WATCH THIS STORY- Five Inspiring Quotes From Gymnastics Goat Simone Biles That Will Change Your Life

He also dropped out from the US basketball team at the Tokyo Olympics due to a calf injury that kept him out of the court for most of the season.