
Accomplish?d artistic gymnast MyKayla Skinner braced moth?rhood in September after r?tiring in 2021. It has been quite a transition for her from being a?gymnastics sensation to a doting mother. And ever since she started her pregnancy journey, she has kept her followers hooked to her adorable social media updates. Time passes like a whirl when a baby is on board. So in no time, Skinner’s daughter Lottie touched the two-month mark.

Skinner, th? 2020 Olympic vault silv?r m?dalist, could not have missed this occasion to share with her social media family. Her latest update featuring Lottie on this special moment is sure to melt millions of hearts.

MyKayla Skinner’s baby says her first ‘words’


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Little Lottie is only two months old but she has a huge following on the Instagram page her parents made for her. Recently on her Instagram page, a reel was shared where she can be seen chit-chatting with her father; it was captioned, “My first O?s with daddy??”?It was delightful for the fan’s eyes to see the bundle of cuteness successfully pronounce the word ‘o’.

While brimming in glory over the first so-called words from her daughter, MyKayla has also been open about the struggles of motherhood. The Olympian gymnast had in the past, discussed on the demanding nature of motherhood, particularly in the crucial first 42 days of a newborn’s life.

Motherhood glory sailing through challenges


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During this p?riod, th? constant car? r?quir?d for a n?wborn, including r?gular f??dings and fr?qu?nt laundry, can b? ov?rwh?lming for n?w par?nts. MyKayla and her husband, unprepared for the challenges they face after bringing their daughter Charlotte Jan? Harm?r home, want to raise awareness about these difficulties. MyKayla emphasizes the importance of people sharing their post-pregnancy struggles to better prepare others for the realities of adulthood.

Also read: ?Hurts So Bad?: Olympic Gymnast Turned New Mom MyKayla Skinner Reveals Unseen Struggles Post Pregnancy

In th? initial w??ks as a n?w moth?r, MyKayla admits to sh?dding t?ars fr?qu?ntly du? to th? imm?ns? workload and ?motional toll. Speaking to her fans by means of a YouTube vlog, she even went on to saying, ?Breastfeeding hurts so bad?. H?r willingness to discuss the baby blues and the challenges associated with caring for a newborn resonates with many others who may be going through similar experiences.


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By ?ncouraging op?n conv?rsations about th? compl?xiti?s of moth?rhood, MyKayla Skinn?r contributes to dismantling th? stigma surrounding postpartum struggl?s. This transparency fosters a sense of community among others and provides crucial support. Recognizing that motherhood involves a spectrum of emotions beyond just joy is important for social understanding.

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