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It was 3 a.m. A ruckus at Northridge Preparatory School, Illinois, was reported to the Niles police. Apparently, a report from 8300 block of Ballard Road entailed suspicious subjects running around the arena. While it was all a part of a senior prank, this prank might go down in the history books as the strangest one ever. Here’s why.

The list of suspicious subjects is the most bizarre one. Ordinarily, high school students might decide to fill the hallways with helium balloons, line their corridors with post-its, or indulge in some other harmless yet fun senior pranks. But the students of Northridge Preparatory School went in a different direction.


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Senior prank turns neighborhood into a rodeo arena

According to a report by Erie News Now, the list of suspicious subjects entailed a cow, a pig, and some chickens! To add to the commotion, the police confirmed that the cow had gotten loose and forayed into the streets of suburban Niles.

The force had to corral the runaway cow which had escaped. Upon investigation, it was found that they purchased a pig from near Dixon, and a cow from near Winneconne, Wisconsin, and also arranged for live chickens which belonged to a student. The police revealed that these purchases were made from Craigslist.

Read more: America’s Biggest Rodeo, With More Than $350,000 up for Grabs, Sees Bull Rider Scoring 90 on Dirty Dave to Clinch Astonishing Win

The animal was finally cornered. However, it valiantly fought its capture. According to the local residents, the search and seizure operation turned into a rodeo.

Cow seizure turns into bull riding event

As its capture neared, the cow turned into a raging bull and the police officers into rodeo cowboys, trying to tame the skittish bovine. A local, Kurt Hejza, described the incident, saying, “I was standing by the truck, and it looked like a rodeo. It was crazy between the police and the trappers, and then it was the cow was coming in the crowd, so we all kinda like backed off a bit. But it was interesting.”

A few samaritans of Niles neighborhood went looking for it for they’d believed it to be baloney.

Roger Plummer from the radio station WBBM had just returned from work. Only a few minutes post 6 a.m., he shared a video on Facebook, with a caption that read, “I arrive home tired from work at 5:45 a.m. and then I wonder if I’m dreaming!” with a cow emoji.


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A Chopper7HD also flew over the scene around 9:15 am, which alerted many people to the ongoing adventure. They rushed to see the truth with their own eyes.

Someone described the scene, saying, “We saw a helicopter, and then we saw the trucks, so we walked on over to see if there really was a cow. We really saw a cow.” A representative of Wagner Farms helped capture the cow, which will be taken to Hooved Animals Humane Society in Woodstock.


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The students responsible were issued ordinance citations based on curfew violation, animal feces accumulation, and disorderly conduct. This is not all, they must make a compulsory appearance in Niles Adjudication Court soon. Unfortunately for the pranksters, the ruckus turned out to be bitter disappointment.

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