
The equestrian community with every passing day grows accustomed to a new report on equine negligence and mistreatment. From unfavorable conditions on the race tracks to the mismanagement off the grounds, the magnificent creatures have seen them all. While the unkind scenarios take up space, another force fights to divert them all. When the acts and practices defy the principles of the equestrian community, the welfare organizations flare up to take charge.

With hundreds of thousands of fatalities making news, the organizations rise to curb the situation. From finding research institutes to study equine wellness to setting up teams to rescue creatures in remote locations, welfare groups make sure that the bonding that horses and humans share stays true to the word. Now with yet another unkind situation up in the news, a rehabilitation center in Washington has risen to the rescue.

Equestrian welfare center takes charge of mistreated equine


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Earlier this month, the Big Country News reported on the transport of equine Patrick from an unpleasant environment. The Serenity Equine Rescue and Rehabilitation in Maple Valley welcomed a new guest on the 29th of September. The wellness centre reported that Patrick, who was moved from Eastern Washington, had a hard life living in his initial stable. According to the reports, the equine went through some of the horrifying instances; that included st***ing and other unsayable intentional injuries.

Following the condition of Patrick, Serenity reported that the equine might spend the rest of his life right there. “Patrick is just the sweetest boy ever,” the caretaker at the rescue center said in a video interview with Fox 13. “He is quiet and sweet. It’s amazing how forgiving they are.”?She further added that Patrick would stay there for now and would hopefully make some friends. According to the footage, Patrick was already seen bonding with equine Ty next door.

Equine wellness demands a high cost of the facilities. From hay to vet care, the prices sore high. Thus to tackle the issue, the rescue centre runs on volunteer funds and practices. While Serenity continues on with its good deeds, many other facilities have joined in to contribute to the best of their abilities.

Also read: ?Give Up?: Equestrian Trainer Opens Up About Her Challenging Journey in Recent Update

Horse welfare centers to have on the radar

The equestrian world is engulfed by practitioners and enthusiasts alike. With the sport and animals being popular across the world, the centers have found their way through the corners. Though there are hundreds of them in action, here are some operating on a large scale with varying primary focus; as listed by Impactful Ninja.


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Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation: The organization highly focuses on medical care or veterinary treatment for the horses. The foundation funds the research projects that help in coming up with solutions for the health issues in equines. They accept donations through their websites and have remained successful in experiencing breakthroughs in the field.

The second organization goes beyond the borders. The Brooke Foundation works not for equines but the working horses. The organization assists in handling and taking care of the horses that are used for work. Brooke specifically focuses on the remote countries where working horses are significantly in use. Through its operations, the organization has helped improve 7000 of the poorest communities and still continues.

For the last one, the welfare center based in the UK takes up the spot. The World Horse Welfare works to provide assistance throughout 16 countries. WHW helps the horses as well as their owners with education and medical care. They also provide training programs to help the industry professionals learn more and better. Besides their services, WHW also houses horse care centres in the UK for the lost animals.


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While there are disagreeable circumstances in the world, these welfare centres and more make sure that they are countered well and exceedingly.

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