
With rodeo events highly engaging the spectators and riders alike, the undefined horrors can’t be ignored. At the peak of excitement, the bull may throw the rider off, threatening everybody’s life. Likewise, numerous people think that animals have to conquer their worst nightmares in order to ultimately put on their shows. The ban on rodeo events involving bull riding has been the talk of the town for over a year. A handful of states, including Los Angeles, have proposed passing a law to ban these heinous acts.

Council member Bob Blumenfield absolutely stands by the decision to ban, whereas Ryan Seddon has turned down the false allegations. Referring to Craig Figeners’ words with them, they have not settled the conflict yet, creating a nail-biting situation for the PBR.

Rodeo bull riding’s fate at stake


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A dilemma has taken birth in the wake of bull riding popularity. More and more Americans are voting against the grandiosity of this rodeo event, whereas the professional bull riders are refusing blame. Many spectators or council members affirm the risks of the rodeos themselves. However, they put forth a harsh reality of the bulls getting roped repeatedly as well. “Hot shot”, a cruel tool is used to make the bulls perform remarkably. On the other hand, some people claim that electric prods are being used to scare the animals into smooth displays.

via Imago

Referring to these probable averments, there’s a heated debate going on. Council member Blumenfield backs the rodeo events ban proposal. He put forward an accusation of the riders torturing the animals with sharpened spurs and electric prods. Against this unpleasant allegation, Seddon took reference to the PBR rule book. He said, “So, it does provide some friction for the cowboy, but they’re not poking into the bull,” affixing to the claim that the cowboy’s boots are dull.

Seddon, speaking as a representative of PBR, said that the decision “creates a slippery slope.”, as Blumenfield called the tools “tortured devices”. Hence, the proposed ordinance may or may not decide the fate of the rodeo world, depending upon the decision of the administration.


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The Final Decision Awaits

A City Hall Showdown will be the only deciding factor for Seddon and his fellow bull riders. The Los Angeles council members anticipate a fair conclusion, keeping in mind both  parties. Scheduled for next week, everyone is sitting tight for a just decision.

READ MORE: Despite 18-Year-Old’s Terrifying Bull Ride, Popular PBR Event Ends in the Most Unusual Way


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Several states and lawmakers have already passed a similar regulation. With the hope of protecting animals with stronger laws, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has put forth an open opportunity for people to prohibit cruel practices and abusive treatments.

Watch this story: World No. 7 Bull Rider Overcomes ‘Blood Moon’ to Set Sight at $1,000,000 Prize