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Bull riders have an inherent predisposition characteristics that make them different from the rest. They can endure the enormous weight of a bucking bull and are emotionally strong enough to overcome fear while staying on guard during the encounter. They possess strong equilibrium, core ability and coordination to remain on a bull that is in an extremely restless state for 8 seconds. Though bull riders always possess an underlying fear of injury or even death. However, they still never fail to entertain their fans.

One name that’s a mainstay in our memory when it comes to elite bull riding is JB Mauney. Indeed, the definition of success and unshakable talent in this risky business is evident in his career. Mauney started bull riding in his early childhood days and rose through the ranks by becoming one of the best in this field. Through his incredible course, he managed to land the PBR Rookie of the Year award back in 2006 and went ahead to bag two PBR world championship titles in the years 2013 and 2015 alongside winning the PBR world finals tournament. Recently, he revealed something that proves his position on the pedestal of bull-riding legends.


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JB Mauney?s unparalleled bull riding legacy

In a recent podcast conversation with Total Feeds, when Cory Anderson posed the question, “ Cause It’s not like you did it for money anyway,” JB’s response resonated powerfully. He replied, “That’s why I always say you play the game… you take the pain… If I could get up and walk, I was getting on ? whether something was broke or not. I wanted to prove to myself that it didn’t matter how beat up or crippled I was, I could still ride ’em. I could put it out of my mind for 8 seconds and still do it.


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This was in regard to the competition which was held on 6th September. J.B. Mauney rode a bull even though his foot was already broken but he still rode. The remarkable career came to an end with his retirement, which was a result of a severe neck injury he sustained when riding a bull in Lewiston, Idaho. Throughout an injury-riddled season, Mauney?s ability to keep riding on, and demonstrate that he was the best, revealed how he was like no other. His legacy, crowned by achievements such as the 2013 and 2015 PBR world championships, PBR Rookie of the Year in 2006 and more, puts him among the top athletes ever.


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J.B. Mauney’s remarkable performance is a moving testament

Powerful bulls have ruled supremely over the Caldwell Night Rodeo?s 99th edition on 17th August and so far, only one successful ride every night during the first two performances. Legendary bullrider J.B. Mauney competed against Cherry Bomb o Powder River Rodeo even though he had a broken leg and won the show and got ?84.5 points more than another cowboy JaCauy Hale, who scored 80.5.

Read More: Bull Riding?s Dragon Slayer JB Mauney Unveils ?Most Interesting? Tale in Latest Post


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This full round of bull riding competition could see their decision that will shape the championship?s result. In a spectacular atmosphere, party clown, eighty-eight from Burch Rodeo, placed Raine to be an entrant to Caldwell?s Saturday night championship finals. On the other hand, the team roping comprised Texan?s Tyler Wade and Wesley Thorp set a speedy 6.1-second performance for the first run, resulting in a sum of 10.1 seconds in the overall scores within two. They have set themselves as favourites in Caldwell Night Rod. But the spirit of JB Mauney will never fade as he still made his mark in this match as well.

Watch The Story:?Five Years After a Brutal Injury 35-Year-Old Rodeo Returns to Bull Riding To Live His Passion