Sharing priceless insights to achieve fitness, Arnold Schwarzenegger is currently on a mission to help fans prioritize health through his newsletter Pump Daily. Recently, the bodybuilding legend shared valuable pieces of advice about losing weight at a fast pace. Using the popular story of the hare and the tortoise to his advantage, the Austrian Oak accurately explained his unique perspective.
The Austrian Oak used the findings of a 2016 study wherein a sample size of 14 contestants who participated in the 17-season-long 2004 American series The Biggest Loser were considered. The study highlighted the disadvantages of losing weight at a faster pace. Basing his opinion on the study, Schwarzenegger expounded on the benefits of losing weight at a slow pace. In other words, the Austrian made a convincing case.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s interesting viewpoint on weight loss

Schwarzenegger explained, “Diets love to glorify rapid changes, but if you drop weight too quickly, your metabolism could recalibrate, causing you to easily (and frustratingly) regain the pounds.” He used the hare and tortoise story to emphasize that losing weight slowly is beneficial, implying the tortoise eventually wins the race. This is not all.
Researchers who studied The Biggest Loser contestants iterated that six years after the show ended, they regained the weight that they had lost earlier. “Unfortunately, that’s not too abnormal”, he commented. Elaborating, the Austrian Oak stated, “Some contestants- even back at their original weight- were burning 500 fewer calories per day than before they started the show.”
Schwarzenegger added, “People who took a slower approach lost 20 pounds over the course of 4 months, and — more importantly — didn’t see the same metabolic slowdown.” The findings will definitely make a difference to fans in their fitness journey.
Earlier, Schwarzenegger also mentioned the four golden tips to prevent weight gain while sharing shocking facts about the increasing rates of obesity in America and the world. In fact, he came up with a simple solution.

The Austrian Oak’s tips to help fans struggling with obesity

Schwarzenegger stated in his newsletter, the four tips which were, “Eat carbs, enjoy breakfast, avoid inflexible restrictions and gimmicks, limit (but not completely remove ultra-processed food.” The bodybuilding champion also told how incorporating a protein shake in the diet would help to reduce weight.

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Schwarzenegger said, “Research suggests that replacing just one meal with a meal replacement drink can lead to an average of 5.5 pounds lost compared to a diet designed to help weight loss.” He gave fans a recommendation to search for a shake with 20 grams of protein and 200-400 calories.
The Austrian Oak’s suggestions indicate his powerhouse of knowledge derived from years of preparing for bodybuilding competitions. Do you think Schwarzenegger’s tips are beneficial to reduce weight and not regaining it in the long run? Share your views in the comments section.