
Genetics plays a significant role when it comes to being a pro-bodybuilder. It is believed that half the battle is won if you have the right genetics. But does that mean that’s all that is required? According to the renowned bodybuilder Jay Cutler, the answer is no. While genetics is a plus point, it is also important to strike a balance with some other factors.

No two people have the same body type or genetics. The same fitness routine shows different results for different people. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of your body’s genetics and balance them with the right exercise and food intake to yield the best results. Recently, Jay Cutler revealed how he achieved his Olympia-winning physique.

Jay Cutler lets the world in on his secret


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Recently, legendary bodybuilder Jay Cutler took to his Instagram to talk about the importance of genetics and balance in bodybuilding. He shared his message through an Instagram story. Cutler revealed that while genetics are important, it is also important to balance them with the right food and exercise.

“We talk a lot about genetics in bodybuilding and it is true, they make a huge difference. From a teenager it was clear I was gifted with great genetics for bodybuilding, but I also want to bring balance to this conversation,” wrote the 4x Mr. Olympia. He further revealed how factors other than genetics came into play in his success.

Read More: Despite Being on Crutches, Ronnie Coleman Reunites With Rival, Jay Cutler, for a Workout Ahead of Mr. Olympia 2022

Cutler shared that he grew up on a farm wherein he used to work and eat all the natural items. This helped his muscles develop organically. He said, “I grew up working on a farm, where we ate from the land. Poultry, home-grown beef, organic.” Nonetheless, to strike that balance and reap the utmost benefits, one must first be aware of his genetics and body type.

Why is it important to know if you have the right genetics?


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Finding out about the body’s genetics helps one know their body better. It enables the person to understand what their body is capable of doing. For example, one can know if their body is meant for an endurance sport or a power sport. Knowing that helps put the time and effort in the right direction.

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Finding out about the body’s genetics has now been made easy. Lifestyle genetics tests are now available everywhere at an affordable price. All one needs to do is order a kit, get the samples tested, and check the results. These tests help one determine which areas to put more effort into and which areas require the least.


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Do you agree with Cutler that it is vital to strike the balance? Let us know in the comments.