
Jay Cutler was a fan favorite when he competed in bodybuilding. Cutler was the underdog who came second to Ronnie Coleman four times. While many fans wanted Cutler to win, he realized the only way to beat Ronnie Coleman would be to pack on muscle mass. The millionaire bodybuilding icon ate thousands of calories every day and couldn’t eat any more food. However, the four-time Mr. Olympia found a hack that allowed him to pile on the calories. Cutler recently shared the hack with fans who signed up for his newsletter.

In his most recent email newsletter, the four-time Mr. Olympia revealed an eight-ingredient secret smoothie recipe that contains tons of protein. The former bodybuilding champion shared the ingredients and how much someone will need to make the smoothie. Besides being nutrition-rich, the smoothie packs “50g of protein!

The smoothie that helped Jay Cutler reach his daily calorie goals


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Cutler wrote in his newsletter that the reader may not like eating vegetables and “find it hard to fit in all of the food you need.” However, the bodybuilding icon had a solution to the problem. The former Mr. Olympia wrote his answer was to have smoothies daily. “We can get so much nutrition into the blender, and they taste great,” wrote the fan-favorite bodybuilder.

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The four-time Mr. Olympia shared the recipe he called Jay Cutler’s Holidays Smoothie. Cutler instructed readers to use one banana and one cup of mixed berries (cranberries, raspberries, and strawberries). He also didn’t miss the veggies. Cutler wrote the smoothie would need one cup of frozen kale/spinach. Unlike many smoothie recipes, Cutler used two kinds of yogurt in the recipe.

READ MORE | WATCH: Bodybuilding Frenemies Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler Sharing a Perfect Bromance Moment in a Resurfaced Video

Cutler uses four tablespoons of organic probiotic natural yogurt (fat-free), one serving of berry protein yogurt (20g protein), and a scoop of Vanilla Total Iso (a product of Cutler Nutrition). The yogurt and the whey isolate protein powder make Cutler’s smoothie protein-rich. According to the label, each scoop of Total Iso contains 24g of protein. 1/2 glass of oat milk is the final ingredient.

The benefits of the unique smoothie

Besides helping people reach their daily calorie goals, according to Cutler, the smoothie has multiple benefits. The former Mr. Olympia listed those benefits in his newsletter. “Boost your immune system,” wrote Cutler. The smoothie also provides clean calories, vitamins, and minerals from fruits, vegetables, and berries.


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Since the smoothie has 50g of protein, Cutler wrote it would “Support recovery and performance in the gym.” The bodybuilding champion also instructs readers to use oat milk, so that lactose intolerant can have an easier time digesting the protein smoothie.


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Will you try Jay Cutler’s secret smoothie recipe? Let us know in the comment.