
People who take part in bodybuilding contests, and are fitness enthusiasts, rely upon specific diets to build muscle. A healthy diet also helps them in keeping their body fat percentage low. In addition, several bodybuilders of the golden era had enormous amounts of muscle since their teenage years, thanks to their diet. One of the classic bodybuilders is Jay Cutler, who understood the meaning of a balanced natural diet from a young age.


Legendary bodybuilder Cutler knows that success depends on training and obeying a rigorous diet. Earlier in a podcast, he talked about eating healthy food from his garden rather than eating packaged food from supermarkets during his childhood. 


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Jay Cutler ignored processed food since childhood

People who purchase processed foods may consume more sugar, salt, and fat than advised; since they may not be aware of the number of additives in the food, they are purchasing and consuming. Therefore, packaged food is really bad, especially for a bodybuilder whose hard work depends on the food quality.  

Meanwhile, talking to a fitness podcast, Cutler stated, “Like I never had sugar cereals. Or like we ate a lot from our gardens and you know we raised cattle and whatever else. So it was kind of like we were very, uh, you know, we didn’t have like supermarkets in the town; that we’re in or anything.”

Further, he described how his father selected their food, leading to a strict nutrient diet. Jay said, “So my dad would do the shopping, and we were just limited on what we would be able to eat. But most of it was from the ground, or you know, off you know, the local farms or whatever, yeah.”

READ MORE: Bodybuilding Icon Jay Cutler Stuns World With His Ripped Body at 49 as He Poses With His Nephew

From the age of 11, Cutler worked for his family business of concrete. As a result, Jay understands the definition of hard work, which helped him naturally develop a muscular physique.

Cutler falling in love with fitness


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After working out nearly every day while in college, Jay developed a fondness for the gym. He significantly improved his appearance, so people in his neighborhood started noticing his powerful framed body. All these things were leading him toward the pinnacle of bodybuilding.

At age 20, he competed in his first bodybuilding competition, the NPC Iron Bodies Invitational show. In several interviews, he shared that the biggest motivation behind his joining bodybuilding was his trainer at his club.


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After winning several titles, including four titles in Mr. Olympia, in 2013, Cutler stepped on the stage for the last time before his retirement.

WATCH THIS STORY: From Lou Ferrigno to Jay Cutler Here Are the Retired Bodybuilders Who Are Still Ripped