
Arnold Schwarzenegger is among the most famous bodybuilders of all time. Many fans also consider Schwarzenegger to be the greatest Mr. Olympia. However, the Austrian Oak was more than just a bodybuilder. He also studied the science of bodybuilding. When he competed, Schwarzenegger constantly looked for ways to improve his results in the gym. However, even at 75, the bodybuilding legend continues to learn and share that knowledge with everyone. In his newsletter, the Pump Daily, the bodybuilding icon shared how one can gain muscle, busting a massive myth.

In his prime, Schwarzenegger took it upon himself to bust myths about bodybuilding. He often appeared for interviews and talk shows to dispel misconceptions about the sport. In his newsletter, the Austrian Oak tackled a myth many gym-goers and even beginner bodybuilders believe.

Is lifting heavy the only way to gain muscle?


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In the Pump Daily, the bodybuilding legend wrote about the famous “go big or go home” training myth. According to Arnold Schwarzenegger, muscle gain happens when a person gradually increases how much weight they lift. However, he wanted his readers to understand the principle behind this practice. “Progressive resistance (or progressive overload) is a principle that forces your muscles to grow by doing more work,” the former Mr. Olympia revealed.

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However, he also discussed another way to follow the principle of progressive overload. “If you want to build muscle, you can do it by either lifting more weight or do a lighter weight for more reps,” explained the Terminator actor. Schwarzenegger wrote the key to following the principle “is pushing intensity near the point of failure,” because “intensity determines your outcome.”

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According to the seven-time Mr. Olympia, people trying to build muscle have to challenge themselves in the gym and get an intense workout, which is the most important thing. “Using the heaviest weights possible isn’t the only way to go,” Schwarzenegger wrote in his newsletter.

Arnold Schwarzenegger reveals what you shouldn’t do

While Schwarzenegger wanted his readers to understand the principle of progressive overload, he also told them to avoid either extreme. “You might think a set of 30 reps on squats with 100 pounds would be ‘better’ than 300 pounds for 10 reps, but it’s not that simple,” wrote the former Mr. Universe.


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The bodybuilding icon said doing so many reps with 100 lbs could cause excess fatigue, leading to suboptimal gains and risk of injury. However, constantly increasing the weight could also result in injuries. According to Schwarzenegger, compound movements like squats and deadlifts work best in the 5 to 12-rep range. However, one can push higher reps for isolation movements like bicep curls, calf raises, etc.


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Watch this story | Bodybuilding Legend Arnold Schwarzenegger shares Health Boosting Tips with His Instagram Fans 

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