
Kali Muscle, renowned for starring in several TV shows, movies, and commercials, suffered a life-threatening heart attack in 2021. Although he grieved about his situation, he was grateful for the second chance to live. In conjunction with this, he sent out a strong message to his fans about the value of health.


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Coming from a rough childhood, Kali had no choice but to be recklessly bold in dealing with things. Perhaps he reflected a similar attitude to how he viewed his health. A video posted on his YouTube channel features ailing Kali on a hospital bed, wiping tears and sharing the lessons of life he learned the hard way.

The bodybuilding sensation regretted his carelessness

In the video, Kali shared details of his negligence of edema in his feet and ankles for years. He added, he didn’t think much of it when he was young, but people used to tell him, “..it’s a sign of heart failure.” Describing him as “tough a**”, he admitted, ignoring the warnings, saying, “I ain’t got no heart problems or nothing like that.”

Kali shared that he woke up with chest pains one day. When no remedy could alleviate them, he was taken to the hospital. The tests revealed that his left artery was clogged completely, which prevented blood supply to the left part of his body.

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As he recovered from a near-death experience, ailing Kali appealed to his fans to take care of their health. “And you know, God is using me as an example. ‘Cause as we just saw, you know, RIP Shawn Rhoden,” he added. Rhoden, a Jamaican-American professional bodybuilder, passed away at age 46 after a deadly heart attack.

Kali remembered his family

The 47-year-old reiterated the importance of monitoring one’s health to not end up in a dire situation like this. Toward the end of the video, he expressed his gratitude, stating, “Some people don’t get a second chance.” Also, he shared his resolve to live, “I got my twins and I gotta live man.”


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Kali, born in Oakland, California, grew up in a neighborhood that was not a safe environment to live in. Besides, he carried a gun to school to protect himself. He was imprisoned for 11 years on a robbery case. Kali then continued to pursue his passion for bodybuilding.


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Muscle is a bodybuilder cum actor, active on social media channels- Instagram with 2M followers and YouTube with 2.82 M subscribers. What do you think about Kali’s effort to take his message to the masses?